Resources by Wellcome Trust

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What’s the first thing that pops into your mind when you read the word population? Most likely it’s the ever-increasing human population on earth. The term population isn’t just used to describe humans; it includes other animals, plants and microbes too. These resources will help you learn more about how...


These resources from the Wellcome Trust look at how populations grow, change and move, and why understanding them is so important. The resources use real research to illustrate many aspects of the study of populations, including:

  • ecology
  • epidemiology
  • ...

Primary Horizons - Starting Out in Science

This report, based on a scoping study carried out for the Wellcome Trust by Queen’s University Belfast and St Mary’s University College Belfast, set out to explore teachers’ views and experiences of primary science across the United Kingdom and to identify ways in which it could be improved.

The publication...

This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes all the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

Primary science education: Wellcome Trust

This set of reports and case studies commissioned by the Wellcome Trust explore the nature of science delivery across the UK capturing baseline metrics prior to the full implementation of it's UK wide Primary Science Campaign in autumn 2017 and reports on the progress of the campaign...

Primary Science in the UK: a Scoping Study

The Wellcome Trust commissioned this research in May 2004. The Graduate School of Education at Queen’s University Belfast and the Science Department of St Mary’s
University College Belfast carried out the work. The Wellcome Trust was seeking to
establish an overview of the current status of primary...

Primary Science Survey Report

This report presents the findings of an online survey during July 2011 for The Wellcome Trust. The survey asked primary school teachers for their views on the status of primary science, the opportunities available to their students and themselves as professionals, and how these things may have changed since the...

Primary science: is it missing out? recommendations for reviving primary science

Published in September 2014 this report details the findings and recommendations of a study carried out by the Wellcome Trust on the deployment of science and maths leaders in primary schools. The study carried out in 2013 explored how science and maths expertise is currently used in schools and looked at...

Professional Developing

Quality assurance of teachers’ continuing professional development’ looks at lessons from other quality assurance systems, and how they could be applied to teachers’ CPD in England.


Professional development

Quality assurance of teachers’ continuing professional development’ looks at lessons from other quality assurance systems, and how they could be applied to teachers’ CPD in England.



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