Resources by I'm a Scientist

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Debate kit - antibiotic resistance

The aim of this debating kit is to encourage students to begin to consider the ethical issues related to the prescribing of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance. Role play gives students a chance to explore the different sides of the issue and compare others’ points of view, as well as considering social, ethical...

Debate kit - are we too clean?

This kit encourages students consider and investigate some of the main issues surrounding the use of antimicrobial cleaners and antibiotics. Role play gives students a chance to explore the different sides of the issue and compare others’ points of view, as well as considering social, ethical and factual issues in...

Debate kit - big data

This kit is designed to facilitate a structured debate about whether we should sequence the genomes of a million people in order to find out more about living longer and healthier. The different ‘rounds’ of the debate help students think through the issues and reconsider their opinions. The structure also shows...

Debate kit - cannabis

This kit encourages students to consider the ethical issues that drug legislation raises. Role play gives students a chance to explore the different sides of the issue and compare others’ points of view, as well as considering social, ethical, political and factual issues in an integrated way. Included in the kit...

Debate kit - climate change

This debate kit asks the question: 'Should flying be banned for ten years?', which allows students to consider the social, economic and technical issues around climate change and the effects of human activity. Pupils take on a given role so that they look at the question from a certain point of view.  They share...

Debate kit - drugs in sport

Doping in sport usually means the use of performance-enhancing drugs, but is can also mean techniques like ‘blood-doping’. This debating kit explores the ethical issues around the use of drugs in sport such as possible harm to the athlete and unfairness. Role play gives students a chance to explore the different...

Debate kit - electricity distribution

This kit is designed to facilitate a structured debate about whether electricity pylons should be built in the countryside. The different ‘rounds’ of the debate help students think through the issues and reconsider their opinions. The structure also shows them how to build a discussion and back up their opinions...

Debate kit - food hygiene

This debate kit asks the question: 'Is it safer to eat at home or out at a restaurant?', which allows students to consider communicable diseases are how to reduce and prevent their spread.  Pupils take on a given role so that they look at the question from a certain point of view.  They share their character's role...

Debate kit - food security

The aim of this kit is to show students how complex the issue of global food security is, and to encourage them to begin to consider and investigate some of the main issues surrounding the ethics of food production. Role play gives students a chance to explore the different sides of the issue and compare others’...

Debate kit - IVF

This kit encourages students to consider the benefits of, and the problems that may arise from, the use of hormones to control fertility, including in vitro fertilisation (IVF). Role play gives students a chance to explore the different sides of the issue and compare others’ points of view, as well as considering...


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