Resources by I'm a Scientist

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Debate kit - Mars mission

This kit supports a class debate on whether humans should be sent into space on a mission to Mars.

The learning objectives are:

  • To practise discussing and debating issues and expressing an opinion
  • Understand more of the technical, physiological, social and ethical issues around human...

Debate kit - pandemic prevention

This debate kit, created in 2021 during the Covid pandemic, asks the question: 'Were all groups treated fairly during the pandemic?'. It allows students to consider the social, economic and technical issues around public health and pandemic control. Pupils take on a given role so that they look at the question from...

Debate kit - privacy

This resource focuses on the subject of privacy and provides an opportunity for a structured practice debate on a controversial topic. The different ‘rounds’ of the debate help students think through the issues and reconsider their opinions. The structure also shows them how to build a discussion and back up their...

Debate kit - self-driving cars

This pack has all you need to facilitate a structured debate on the controversial topic of whether the town centre ought to be for self-driven cars only. The structure shows students how to build a discussion and back up their opinions with facts. The pack provides outline guidance for four imagined but...

Debate kit - stem cells

This kit encourages students to consider the ethical issues that stem cell treatments raise and to develop students’ debating and discussion skills. Role play gives students a chance to explore the different sides of the issue and compare others’ points of view, as well as considering social, ethical, political and...

Debate kit - unisex toilets

This debate kit, asks the question: 'Should schools make all their toilets unisex?'. It allows students to consider the social, ethical and factual issues around this issue. Pupils take on a given role so that they look at the question from a certain point of view.  They share their character's role with the class...

Debate kit - will the benefits of AI outweigh its risks?

Using the AI debate kit,  students explore the benefits and risks that AI poses to individuals and society, now and in the future. What decisions should be made by AI? What data is needed to support these decisions? Does AI pose a threat to our own intelligence or bolster it?

The different ‘rounds’ of the...

The kits give teachers everything they needed to run a debate on a set topic and help their students develop their discussion skills. The activities provide a structured way to start discussions and to engage students in thinking about contentious science issues. Using eight characters, with different points of...

I’m an engineer, get me out of here!

I’m an engineer, get me out of here! is a free online event where students can meet and interact with real engineers...

The Antibiotic Resistance Debate Kit discusses whether the NHS should tell GPs to give back-up prescriptions instead of immediate antibiotics wherever possible.

The kit provides all you need to get your students discussing the associated personal, social and economic issues and to help them appreciate the...


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