Resources by Barefoot Computing

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Displaying 71 - 73 of 73

Variables Unplugged

This activity away from the computer is from the Barefoot Computing project. It is intended to provide a theoretical understanding of why and how variables are used in computer programming, using the example of score-keeping in a classroom quiz. Involving several volunteers from the group, the activity uses...

Viking Raid

This paired-programming activity from the Barefoot Computing project focusses on sequences in algorithms and programs.

Children create an animation of a Viking raid – ideally they will have previously studied Vikings...

World Map Logic Activity

This Barefoot Computing activity for lower primary children uses simple sequences of instructions to explore a world map. They use logical reasoning to predict the outcome of instructions that are 'programmed' into a simple game, made using Scratch 2. Children learn about the continents by guiding a simple robot...


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