Resources by Code for Life

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Displaying 21 - 30 of 37

Session One: Recap on Using a Simple Repeat Loop

This lesson recaps some of the learning from the Key Stage One Blockly course on Rapid Router. It touches on repetition in programs, and requires children to create an algorithm challenge that requires loops to solve it efficiently. The challenges are in the context of programming a groceries delivery van.


Session One: Unplugged Algorithms for Moving Along a Route

A basic lesson that introduces the idea of algorithms and simple sequences of commands. The online Rapid Router environment is introduced, after the children use some 'unplugged' activities to develop their thinking.

Session One: What Do We Already Know? Blockly Recap

This activity follows-on from previous exercises using the Blockly editor on the Rapid Router website. It reviews what the children have learned before they proceed to using text-based programming.

The exercise looks at the most advanced ideas used with the Blockly-based phase of the Rapid Router scheme,...

Session Seven: Applying their Programming Knowledge to Create a Game Challenge

In this activity, involving on-screen programming using Rapid Router, children will develop their understanding of programming principles by learning how to use repeat loops, if statements and respond to changes in variables in a visual programming language.

The activities focus on driving a delivery van...

Session Seven: Increase the Challenge - Creating New Python Variables, Incrementing Variables.

This activity goes further into Python programming by expanding the range of repetition and selection commands used. Students also practice debugging of code.

Variables are explained before making use of incremented variables to solve challenges in Python.

Other programming practices, including...

Session Seven: Introducing the Repeat Code

The 7th lesson in this Rapid Router course using Blockly brings repetition to algorithms. Children use repeat to make simple sequences of commands shorter and more efficient.

The resource includes worksheets and model answers, assessment sheets and wall displays.

Session Six: Delivering Several Packages in a Sensible Sequence

This extension activity, from the Rapid Router Key Stage 1 course using Blockly, adds further complexity and challenge to simple sequenced commands.

Paired programming and unplugged activities build understanding of algorithms, with consideration of complexity and efficiency.

Included are wall...

Session Six: Flying Solo with Python

This lesson activity further develops Python programming ability by introducing additional commands such as WHILE, IF, ELSE and ELIF. Debugging of programs is featured, and extension activities lead to the writing of functions that use COUNT IN RANGE() to control repetition. Students are also encouraged to mark-up...

Session Six:Traffic Lights

This activity, one in a series, uses traffic lights and control of vehicles to explore if-else, if, and wait commands, and to learn about variables.

A set of onscreen programming challenges are supported with teacher guides, worksheets, model solutions, assessment activities, wall displays and overview...

Session Ten: Try Out a Partner’s Route

This lesson utilises challenges created by children during lesson 9 of the Blockly 'Rapid Router' course. While attempting to follow a programming challenge written by someone else, debugging skills and logical thinking are encouraged. Children are also required to use loops and other constructs independently....


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