Resources by Code for Life

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Session Three: Creating Simple Algorithms to Reach a Single Destination

In the third lesson of the course, children use direct 'remote control' of the Rapid router van to gain experience before starting to program their own sequences of commands. They also start to debug simple sequences.

The resource contains assessment records, wall displays, and activity solutions.

Session Three: Switching from Blockly to Python

In this Rapid Router activity, children progress from block-based programming to the textual environment of Python. In doing so they learn about the nature of text-based coding, including the need for precise syntax and how it is structured.

The progression is handled gently, with code compared in both...

Session Three: Using Simple Selection and Repetition

This Blockly lesson from the Rapid Router course examines selection using IF statements. Nesting IF statements within loops is also studied, and a video explains the importance of selection in programs.

An 'unplugged' activity reinforces understanding before the children code their solutions in Rapid Router...

Session Two: Breaking Down the Problem into Chunks

This activity explores the concepts of pattern recognition and problem decomposition. It illustrates these ideas using a popular children's book, "We're going on a bear hunt" by Michael Rosen.

Children are asked to apply their understanding by then creating functions using the Blockly editor on the Rapid...

Session Two: Starting off On-Screen With the App

The second lesson in a series of 10 introduces children further to the online programming learning environment Rapid Router. Using the Scratch-like language 'Blockly' children build simple sequences of instructions and start to debug.

The resource includes worksheets, answers, assessment forms and wall...

Session Two: Using Repeat with a Condition on a Simple Route

The second lesson using Blockly in upper primary within the Rapid router game-like environment. This activity introduces conditional repeat statements that loop until a condition is met. Videos are included that explain to children why conditionals are useful. Also included are worksheets, assessment forms, model...

Will Discusses Variables

In this video, a team leader at Ocado technology explains his role managing a programming team.

He also explains variables, and how they are used in programs. He uses examples in the real-world, linked to variables in the Rapid Router software, to explain how variables are used in control technology.


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