Resources by STEM Learning

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Displaying 191 - 200 of 286

Session 2: An Intelligent Piece of Paper Instructions


Session 3: Introduction to Pseudocode


Session 4: Flowcharts and Pseudocode


Session 5: Credit Card Validation Algorithm


Session 6: Pseudocode Challenge


Skills key to success guidance templates

Students learning where their strengths lie is key for employability skills. STEM Ambassadors can support you running a challenge to highlight the importance of skills and help students to 'stand out from the crowd'.

Smart skin

Receptors under our skin send signals to our brains about the world around us. Engineers are borrowing this idea from the human body to create a ‘smart skin’ for aircraft. In this activity students learn about motes, the tiny sensors at the heart of this innovation, and how science and mathematics are central to...

Solids, liquids, gases

The relationship between energy and states of matter is sometimes difficult for students to comprehend. This activity helps to reinforce the notion that, when energy is added to a system, the molecules themselves do not change but their motion and relative positions do change.

While the model is a...

Sounds Amazing

There’s sound and music all around us! This programme has pupils exploring the science of music and sound, creating music and instruments with a range of found objects, and even finding music in unlikely places.

The activities are introduced with a quick objective and a preparation guide. Individuals or...

Sports facilities for disabled people

In this challenge students are asked to produce a 10 minute presentation highlighting their research on the sports facilities available to disabled people now and their recommendations to increase disability sports that are available in their school and local area.

Teams must show clearly how they arrived at...


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