Resources by Nuffield Foundation

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Towards Universal Participation in Post-16 Mathematics: Lessons from High-performing Countries

This study, from the Nuffield Foundation, is a follow-up to the report 'Is the UK an outlier?', which examined mathematics education provision in 24 different countries and revealed that England, Wales and Northern Ireland have the lowest levels of participation in upper secondary mathematics. They were the only...

Town and Country Trails

This Nuffield Working with Science unit aimed to excite interest in natural and built environment while encouraging students to take an interest in environmental issues.

Guidance for teachers and technicians appears...

Tutors’ Handbook (CPVE edition)

Nuffield Working with Science was revised in the 1980s to meet the requirements of the Certificate of Pre-Vocational Education (CPVE). In this edition the general course guidance and the specific guidance about the units was brought together into a single Tutors’...

Twenty First Century Science:

Is a suite of complementary specifications offering flexible and exciting options for science at GCSE....

Understanding Old Age

This Nuffield Working with Science unit was designed to enable students to trace the way in which the age structure of the population has changed, to gain experience in interpreting and presenting data, to identify and discuss some of the problems of the elderly, and to...

Understanding Science Ideas: a Guide for Primary Teachers

Understanding Science Ideas is a concise and colourful book that was written by members of the Nuffield Primary Science project team to help teachers to discuss and understand key science ideas and explanations at an appropriate level, consistent with the philosophy of...

Unit 10: Waves, Particles and Atoms

This Nuffield Advanced Physics Unit offered an introduction to quantum theory presented in a single volume for teachers and students. The main work was theoretical. Many of the arguments were presented as a chain of questions.


Unit 1: Materials and Structure

This Nuffield Advanced Physics Unit was designed as an introduction to the course. The authors wanted to capture the students' imagination right from the beginning, and so they chose for the first Unit a relatively complex topic of considerable practical importance but...

Unit 1A: Moving Pictures and Science 1D: Light and Dark

From the Nuffield foundation, this report, developed from the QCA schemes of work, is an exemplification of a pilot in which design and technology QCA unit 1A (Moving Pictures) was linked with science units 1C (Sorting and using materials) and 1D (Light and dark).

Children were asked to make a collage on...

Unit 1C Eat More Fruit and Vegetables

From the Nuffield foundation this resource, developed from the QCA scheme of work, describes an activity in which children considered the foods they liked and then go on to design and produce a salad containing their favourite fruits.

During the activity, the children:
* Kept a diary of how much fruit...


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