Resources by National STEM Learning Centre and Network

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Displaying 121 - 130 of 374

Future of mobility: level 2 - lesson 2

This lesson focuses on hydrogen fuel cells and how they work. It is appropriate to students aged 11 to 14 years.

Note: This is the second lesson of two.

The first lesson investigates the properties of hydrogen. This lesson builds on this knowledge by focusing on hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen...

Future of mobility: level 3 - lesson 1

Lesson 1 – The greenhouse effect and global warming

The aim of the lesson is to show the importance of the greenhouse effect via a number of activities. This is the first lesson in a sequence of three and is aimed at 14-16 year old students- it links well to upper secondary level exam...

Future of mobility: level 3 - lesson 2

Lesson 2 - Climate change

This second lesson of a sequence of three, focuses on climate change and global warming and the consequences of such, aimed at 14-16 year olds.

Activities include analysing the combustion of hydrocarbons and researching the effects of global warming and...

Future of mobility: level 3 - lesson 3

Lesson 3 - Hydrogen fuel cell

This lesson looks at how hydrogen fuel cells could potentially replace how transportation is powered.

Note: this is the third lesson of three. The first two lessons investigate the greenhouse effect and climate change. Here electrolysis and the use of a hydrogen-oxygen (...

Future world

What does the future hold? From what we wear, how we get our energy and even what we eat—there’s always room for innovation. Exploring technology and its possible applications in the future, with an emphasis on sustainability. Many of the activities could contribute toward becoming an Eco School.

Genetic Modification of Plants and Food Security

Produced in 2015, these resources look specifically at how genes can be altered in plants and how bacteria are central to genetic engineering techniques. Genetically modified (GM) crops offer the potential to help improve food security though this still remains...

Getting practical - planning tool bookmark

The planning tool bookmark is a useful resource for teachers to put into their planning folders as it has questions for teachers to ask themselves when planning practical activities.

Getting started with a STEM Club - Claire Collins

This video has been created to support the online CPD course 'Running STEM Clubs Online' GO100.

Claire Collins is a STEM Club leader and science technician at Consett Academy. In this video she...

Getting STEM Clubs started

These videos have been curated into one collection to support the course 'Getting started - STEM club workshop' GX001....

Getting STEM Clubs started workshop session 1

This resource will support the Getting STEM Clubs started workshop session 1 (GX001).

Getting started: why have a STEM Club?



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