Resources by National STEM Learning Centre and Network

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Displaying 361 - 370 of 374

Using the Resource Collection to Improve Teaching and Learning in STEM Subjects

A group of enthusiastic mathematics and science teachers with an interest in raising student achievement and making the link between the STEM subjects spent several months working as a STEM Knowledge Network and were able to commit time to evaluating the benefits of...

Using Video as a Tool for a Cross-Curricular Approach to Teaching STEM Subjects

The main aim of the study was to:

*engage students and enhance their learning in mathematics through cross-curricular work with other STEM subjects, using video as a tool to encourage students to:
- reflect on...

Van de Graaff Generator

From the National STEM Learning Centre and the Institute of Physics, this video is aimed at teachers and shows how to get the best out of a Van de Graaff generator. In the video, Michael de Podesta explains how the generator works and gives some tips on getting consistently good results when using the apparatus....

Verbal feedback

Purpose: Providing students with verbal feedback on their work avoids problems some students encounter when interpreting written comments. Using digital technology to record and then provide access to verbal feedback saves the teacher valuable lesson time and can be replayed by the student at will.



Purpose: Recording a video clip of motion or colour change is an effective means of generating data, but video can also be created to communicate the methods and findings of a practical science activity.

Teaching approach: Still images, and video clips can be imported into a video editing app, where they can...

Virtual reality

Purpose: Field trips can be difficult to organise in schools and so may be limited in scope and duration. Using virtual reality technology, it is possible to supplement a field trip with observations from other sites, to broaden the context studied.

Teaching approach: Once students have analysed data from...

Watching a glacier

Astronauts have been taking photographs of the Earth from space for over 50 years and Earth observation ...

Wave Machine

In this video, produced by the National STEM Learning Centre and the Institute of Physics, Alom Shaha describes a simple but effective wave machine. Aimed at teachers, this video explains how to make the wave machine using adhesive tape, jelly babies and wooden skewers. He explains how it can be used to...

Wetsuits for paratriathletes

This challenge is an opportunity for students to explore, experiment and innovate whilst designing a specialised wetsuit for paratriathletes who need specialised equipment to allow them to compete. Whilst the development in technology of prosthetic limbs, racing wheelchairs and handcycles has been substantial, no...

What have we learnt from CPD that is collaborative in nature? Findings and implications from the Action Research for Physics programme

This paper, published in 2012, summarises...


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