Resources by Royal Academy of Engineering

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Displaying 91 - 100 of 183

Smartphone projector

In this STEM club activity, students build their own smartphone projector using a mobile phone, shoebox and a magnifying lens.

Solar panels

This resource looks at some of the mathematics behind using solar panels to generate electricity both for use in the home and to power cars. The mathematics involved requires the calculation of complicated areas and using multiple bits of information to solve a problem. As such, the resource is ideal for enhancing...

Steam Pipe Insulation

This resource, from Mathematics for Engineering Exemplars, shows the application of mathematics within the field of mechanical engineering. Here students learn that lack of proper insulation results in large energy losses which, over time, cost a lot of money. Models are used to calculate the value of the critical...

STEM Ambassador activity: creating captivating cornflour

The information sheet, from the Royal Academy of Engineering, covers what materials are required and encourages students to think about how a material alters as it is processed and how it can be used. Students are encouraged to think about engineering applications for a material and also the marketing of a product...

STEM Ambassador Activity: In Control

Published by the Royal Academy of Engineering, this activity looks at using alternative forms of transport, in this case cycling. The activity centres around groups of students developing an engineered product that represents the ideas of personal transport and sustainability. There is also a case study looking at...

Developed by The Royal Academy of Engineering these resources offer a variety of quick, easy and inexpensive activity sessions that can be used by teachers to inspire students and show the diversity of engineering. Each activity offers curriculum links, handy hints, engineer or company profiles and tips for further...

STEM Ambassador Support: Diversity

This information sheet, from the Royal Academy of Engineering, provides teachers with a challenges to stereotyping activity. Some students may not understand what engineering involves, others may be fully engaged in another subject, while for some engineering may appear too hard or culturally irrelevant. By using...

STEM Ambassador Support: Introduction and Support Information

These Royal Academy of Engineering information sheets offer teachers user guidance on how to cover some difficult topics such as careers and the ‘Engineering Message’. The activity resources have been made so that teachers using them can mix and match, use as little or as much as necessary and tailor them to their...

STEM Ambassador support: routes into engineering

This information bulletin, from the Royal Academy of Engineering, is aimed at teachers to help them encourage students into engineering careers. The bulletin provides three case studies about young engineers and also provides a selection of activities to engage students in thinking about engineering concepts and to...

STEM Ambassador Support: The Engineering Message

Produced by the Royal Academy of Engineering, this information sheet is aimed at helping teachers send a positive message across to students who can often feel that engineering has ‘nothing to do with me’. Many students do not realise that engineering is a very broad area. Much of what people buy, own, wear, eat...


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