Resources by Association for Science Education (ASE)

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Displaying 171 - 180 of 896

CSI 5/11 - Murder in the Park

In this Science upd8 activity students perform a CSI investigation to find the murderer in the park on Guy Fawkes' Night. They encounter a variety of science on the way, from rocket science to electron energy levels. They learn how those colour-giving electrons that make fireworks so much fun, fit into the atoms...


This Science upd8 resource draws on cyclone Sidr which hit Bangladesh in November 2007. Millions were left homeless and 3,000 people were killed. The activity asks students to look at how cyclones happen and addresses the common misconception that air is 'nothing' and weightless.

Cytology, genetics and evolution

Cytology, Genetics and Evolution is one of the titles in the series of ASE Lab Books that were published in the early 1970s for the Association for Science Education by John Murray. Each title covered one or two topics and brought together the best of the teaching notes...


When your chocolate company's sales begin to melt away, science comes to the rescue with datalogging! This resource has been provided by the Association for Science Education (ASE).

Chocolate is a datalogging investigation activity. It is set in the context of helping the McChocs company to make better...

Datalogging in the Environment

Aimed at primary level this resource shows how to incorporate data logging into science lessons. It contains lesson ideas on the topics of sound, habitats, plants and animals in the local environment, light, thermal insulators, separating mixtures, electricity, changing state and sound. The teacher guidance...

Death of an Angel

In this Science upd8 activity students take on the role of forensic science technicians who are acting as expert witnesses for the murder of Angel. By analysing blood splatter patterns, they check whether the murder weapon used was a hammer. They also watch a demonstration of a blood viscosity test to check whether...

Death of an Angel

In this Science upd8 activity students take on the role of forensic science technicians who are acting as expert witnesses for the murder of Angel. Students analyse blood splatter patterns to check whether the murder weapon used was a hammer. They also watch a demonstration of a blood viscosity test to check...

Decisions in the Science Department: Organization and Curriculum

This book, first published in 1981 by the Association for Science Education (ASE) and Schools Council, looks at the range of decisions that staff in science departments are required to make and the problems associated with making them.

This report was the output of the Science Education Project set up after...

This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes all the latest publications from UK educational publishers.


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