Resources by Association for Science Education (ASE)

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Domestic Waste

This topic, from the Association for Science Education, allows classes across the world to exchange information about waste management. Students discuss the ways in which their community deals with waste and what can be done to cope with the problems caused by waste.

This topic introduces students to the...

Double Blind

This Science upd8 activity draws on clinical trials. Eight young volunteers had been in clinical trials before, but this time things went horribly wrong. Six of the eight were left fighting for their lives. In this discussion activity students consider whether new treatments should be ever tested on human...

Dr Edwina Jenner: immunologist

This resource aimed at 9-11 year olds, provides a video showing  Edward Jenner's work on developing a vaccine for smallpox over 200 years ago. A follow-up activity explores how modern-day scientists make sure a new vaccine works and is safe. Children use what they have learned to...

Drama: Collision Course

Collision Course is a comedy play from the Association for Science Education (ASE) and it involves spaceships, gods and the laws of physics! The play follows the attempt of spaceships to save the world from an incoming meteor despite the unintentional interference of the gods.

Drama is very popular with...

Drama: Footprints

Footprints, provided by the Association for Science Education (ASE) focuses around the science of genetics. The play was commissioned by British Association of the Advancement of Science (BA) and developed by the Amoeba Theatre Company.

It was premiered at the National Portrait Gallery in March 2002.


Drama: Growing Pains *suitable for home teaching*

This resource, aimed at Key Stage Two, covers the topic areas of plants and animals in the environment and helping plants grow well. In the form of a play script, Growing Pains takes a humorous look at what plants need to grow. Carbunckle a robot, Princess Creosote an alien and Joseph Soap the gardener, meet in a...

Drama: Moon Lander

This resource, from the Association for Science Education (ASE), is a play script for students studying the Solar System. The play can be used as a stimulus for students to write their own scripts exploring other bodies in the Solar System.

Written by teachers at Paddock Wood Primary School, Tonbridge, the...

Drama: Radioactivity

This resource, provided by the Association for Science Education (ASE), is a play about the history of radioactivity, and how we discovered its uses and dangers. It was written for students aged 14-16 years on the theme of ideas and evidence.

Drama is very popular with students and can be used to stimulate...

Drama: Solids, Liquids and Gases

An ASE SYCD: Science Year Primary resource which comprises an outline for managing an active session that helps to illustrate and explain the structure of solids, liquids and gases. Groups of pupils decide how they will physically represent the structure of states of materials. Developments are given that test the...

Drama: The Plague at Eyam and The Discovery of Vaccines

These two drama scripts, from the Association for Science Education (ASE), can be used to stimulate discussion and debate. These activities can be developed as far as teachers like, including ideas for short role-plays in science classes or full school productions.

The Plague at Eyam is a script for students...


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