Resources by Association for Science Education (ASE)

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This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes all the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

Exploring the Nature of Science: Key Stage Four

This resource from the Association for Science Education contains active work for students linking ideas about the nature of science and its implications to practical laboratory exercises. Units encourage students to be creative in designing and carrying out experimental work. The units include the use of secondary...

Extra Resources

A variety of resources, from the Association for Science Education (ASE): a model spreadsheet exploring sound waves, two articles from Catalyst magazine, Hunt the Transmitter activity and Reading Rain Radars.

Sound Waves is a good example building spreadsheet models that students can...

Extra Resources

A collection of various resources, from the Association for Science Education (ASE), set in the context of sea, the moon and chemistry of the oceans. The resources are part of the SYCD: Science Year Is There Life? collection.

'All at sea? The chemistry of the oceans' is a very attractive ten-page booklet...

Extra Resources

A unit taken from the Pupil Researcher Initiative (PRI) 'Ideas and Evidence' resource pack and a good resource guide. Part of the ASE SYCD: Science Year Can we; Should we? collection.

The PRI unit is a one hour lesson focusing on the MMR vaccine, teaching ideas and evidence at Key Stage Four-how the media...

This Association for Science Education (ASE) publication about extracting metals from scrap was developed in association with ECR Ltd. This was a secondary copper refining company which was first established in Birmingham in 1807. Its origins could be traced back to Faraday's work on electroplating. ECR Ltd was...


In this Science upd8 activity students use chemical techniques and reactions to investigate a crime scene. Students learn about the particle model to solve a crime that has been committed in an art gallery. They compare ways to show fingerprints including using the sublimation of iodine.

Fast Plants

This range of practical activities and resources provided by ASE is aimed to teach about plants and flowers in schools.Growing fast plants can provide rewarding results in a short time span and the ideas encourage all students to be involved with the activities....

Firstborns Get the Brains?

This Science upd8 resource draws on research showing that the child raised as the eldest in a family is likely to have a higher IQ than their siblings.

The reasons for this advantage are not yet clear. In this activity students come up with creative explanations and plan how to collect evidence to test them...

Flesh Eaters

In Flesh Eaters, provided by the Association for Science Education (ASE), students are challenged to unravel a bizarre crime using their scientific skills.

Flesh Eaters is a 'learning adventure'. It combines computer-...


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