Resources by Association for Science Education (ASE)

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Heat is one of the titles in the series of ASE Lab Books that were published in the early 1970s for the Association for Science Education by John Murray. Each title covered one or two topics and brought together the best of the teaching notes and experimental ideas from...

This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes all the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

Henri Becquerel and the Discovery of Radioactivity

Written for the Association for Science Education (ASE) to celebrate the centenary of the discovery of radioactivity in 1896, units in this book cover aspects of radioactivity including the underlying science, its applications and social and environmental consequences.

A variety of activities are suggested...


In this SATIS Revisited resource students use real data to determine the cause of illness in cattle on a farm. They analyse the animals' diets to find that the illness is caused by mineral deficiency.

This unit has...


In this Science upd8 activity students analyse information and evidence about homeopathy to decide whether it is based on scientific theory. They then choose the best arguments for and against homeopathy to decide whether they would use it, and whether it should be freely available to all.

How Can We Be Sure?

This book from the SISCON series looks at the history of scientific theories, including evidence, prediction and creativity. It asks questions such as: What is it possible to be certain about? Are experts always right?


How Does Society Decide?

This is one of three readers published by the ASE's SATIS 16-19 project as a way of linking together a selection of the individual units. 'How Does Society Decide?' discusses the responsibilities of citizens in a democratic society to take part in the decisions that...

How Plants Grow

In this topic from the Association for Science Education, students study the life cycles of plants and the adaptation of plants to different environments. The topic allows classes in schools across the world to exchange information about plant cultivation. The topic also provides a context for studying plant...

Human Torch

Human Torch is a 'learning adventure', sponsored by the Health and Safety Executive and provided by the Association for Science Education (ASE).

The resource combines computer-based activities with video and experiments. Human Torch begins with a short dramatic video scene showing a victim who burned to...

I Have ... Who Has?

This game aimed at upper Key Stage Two Primary revises childrens' scientific vocabulary and knowledge. Covering life processes and living things, materials and their properties and physical processes, it contains thirty-two cards each with a scientific word that children
should know, and use correctly in...


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