Resources by Association for Science Education (ASE)

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The LAMP Project was sponsored by the Association for Science Education. The aim was to consider the teaching of science to Less Academically...

The LAMP Project was sponsored by the Association for Science Education. The aim was to consider the teaching of science to Less Academically...

LAMP Teachers’ Handbook 2

The LAMP Project was sponsored by the Association for Science Education. The aim was to consider the teaching of science to Less Academically Motivated Pupils in secondary schools, with particular regard to the 14 to 16 age range. At a time when modular courses were new, this second of two handbooks for teachers...

LAMP Topic Brief 10: Flight

This topic brief was published as part of the ASE’s LAMP Project. The brief was developed for third year pupils following a [link=//]Nuffield Secondary Science[/link] course. It was later trialled in a variety of secondary schools with students of average and below average ability in the 13 to 16...

LAMP Topic Brief 15: Electronics

The ASE’s LAMP Project took into account the need, expressed by HMI and government, to increase the relevance of the school science curriculum to the needs of society at a time of rapid societal and technological change. This electronics unit was devised with the...

LAMP Topic Brief 1: Fuels

This topic brief was published as part of the ASE’s LAMP Project. The brief was developed for third year pupils following a [link=//]Nuffield Secondary Science[/link] course. It was later trialled in a variety of secondary schools with students of average and below average ability in the 13 to 16...

LAMP Topic Brief 2: Heating and Lighting a Home

The main emphasis in this unit is the development of the students' understanding of, and confidence in dealing with, some scientific situations encountered in the home. The unit seeks to give the student:

*Some information about the variety of fuels available for use in
the home


LAMP Topic Brief 3: Pollution

This topic brief was published as part of the ASE’s LAMP Project. The unit developed from a short course, first carried out with a non-examination group of students in their final year at a large inner-city comprehensive school in September and October of 1973. Subsequently is was extended to its published form...

LAMP Topic Brief 4:Materials

This unit was developed from work carried out with boys in the age range 14-16 years as part of the Lamp Project in 1977. The average reading age of the students involved was 11 years.

Initially the unit was developed for pupils who were not taking an examination in a science subject. The aim was to provide...

LAMP Topic Brief 5: Photography

This resource describes a unit of practical lessons in photography which also aimed to introduce some of the basic scientific concepts involved.

This unit was developed from work carried out with boys in the age range 14-16 years as part of the Lamp Project in 1977. The average reading age of the students...


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