Resources by Association for Science Education (ASE)

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Magic Bullet

In this SATIS Revisited resource students trace the developments in drugs and medicines that led to modern chemotherapy. The activity focuses on 'magic bullets' - chemicals that target disease-causing organisms.


Major Resources

These wide-ranging materials include interactive animations and print-based resources, all with a human biology theme. The six major resources are: * Passport - a method of recording transition activities for students moving from primary to secondary school * Flesheaters - an X-Files style interactive adventure to...

Major Resources

These wide-ranging materials include interactive animations and print-based resources covering various science themes.

The six major resources are:

*Chemwars - an interactive game approach to teaching about reactivity, complete with video clips of the reactions

*Ghost in the machine - guide...

Major Resources

These wide-ranging materials include interactive animations and print-based resources covering various science themes. The major resources are: Good to eat - an interactive resource that introduces nutrition, and offers students the chance to have their say on healthy eating. Electricity - an interactive animation...

Major Resources

These wide-ranging materials include interactive animations and print-based resources focusing on a space theme. The six major resources are: *Planet 10 - a virtual model of our solar system *Secrets of the ice - a practical activity to teach pupils about pollution and environmental change. It is set in the context...

Major Resources

These wide-ranging materials include interactive animations and print-based resources based on the Can we; Should we? theme. The major resources are: *Zoos - many pupils have strong views about the role of zoos in our society.This activity improves pupils' ability to select relevant information for a presentation,...

Making Rain

Can we solve the problem of summer water shortages by making rain? In this Science upd8 activity students learn about the significance of droplet size in natural rain formation. They then look at Chinese experiences of 'cloud seeding' before annotating a graphic to show how it works.

Decorative Image: Product Image

This popular resource helps teachers, especially non-scientists...

his popular resource helps teachers, especially non-scientists and beginning teachers, to understand the fair-test type of scientific investigations...

Making Use of Renewable Energy

This is one of a series of extended units, from the Association for Science Education and the Design and Technology Association, to provide in-depth coverage of a topic or an area of the curriculum. Through work on this unit, students learn about the potential for using renewable energy resources from small (local...


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