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Science and Literacy was written by people from the Nuffield Primary Science Project and the Exeter Extending Literacy Project at a time when there was renewed emphasis on teaching about literacy in primary schools. The approach recommended in the book is based on the...

This resource, produced by the Institute of Physics (IOP) and the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM), contains a short introduction to medical imaging and how seeing inside your body can help diagnosis. A presentation is accompanied by teachers' notes.

The presentation describes:


Learn about the forces of air resistance and gravity in this colourful comic aimed at Key Stage Two. Written to promote scientific enquiry, it includes an air resistance investigation to find which is the best shape and size for a parachute. It also focuses on asking...

Learn about the properties of solids and liquids and dissolving in this colourful comic aimed at students in Key Stage Two. Written to promote enquiry skills in a context, it focuses on planning investigative work and evaluating evidence before carrying out an...

Produced by the Hamilton Trust, these materials give children some some hands on experience and revision of what they already know about electricity and circuits through a circus of activities.

Can they complete and repair circuits? What dangers does electricity pose?

Produced by the Hamilton Trust, these materials look at fixing faults in electric circuits. Children start the session with some drama before turning their attention to some circuits in need of attention.

Children repair broken circuits and identify repairs needed using circuit diagrams.

This activity from Hamilton Trust, helps children investigate the properties of electric circuits. It provides a concept cartoon, which is a...

These materials, from the Hamilton Trust, challenge children to identify the differences between series and parallel circuits. They work in small groups to create circuits and switches.

Alkaseltzer rockets

This resource includes examples of real technologies which can be used as inspiration to children from age 7 to 16. Following on from the challenges that Tim Peake and his clothing will face in space, these case studies include background information for teachers, supporting Powerpoint slides, and example...

This series of activities from NASA take a mathematical approach to looking at the Sun-Earth system. They are intended as supplementary problems for students looking for additional challenges in mathematics and physical science from age 11 to 16 years.

The problems were created to be authentic glimpses of...

From NASA, this is a set of high quality images and information about the solar system. The set of materials features the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Earth’s Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, asteroids, comets, meteors and meteorites, the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud, and moons of the solar system...

Produced by NASA, this activity contains information about the planets of the solar system. The main activity allows students to create an eight-cube paper puzzle of the solar system. In assembling the puzzle, students colour images of the Sun, planets and asteroids. In addition to puzzle pieces, the kit contains...

From NASA, this activity helps students see the relative distances from the sun of the planets in our solar system. Astronomers refer to the distance from the sun to the Earth as one 'astronomical unit' or AU. This activity demonstrates an easy way to calculate the distances of the other planets from the sun and...

This collection contains resources relating to the Solar System and Planets. There are a range of activities, images, video and information from sources such as the European Space Agency and NASA. There are a range of materials which can be used with primary or secondary students.
