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Students are often unaware of the opportunities open to them if they study STEM subjects at school.  This resource, comprising of seven case studies/profiles, is designed to increase awareness of just some of the potential careers open to them in international development.

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This Mathematics Matters case study, produced by the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, looks at how mathematical research contributes to the development of new medical imaging technology. Brain scans play a vital role in the treatment of many serious medical conditions, but decoding the signals inside...

A study of science, maths and technology equips students with a wide range of very valuable skills that employers in the land-based and environmental sector want. A career in the land-based sector will enable students to apply those skills to provide food as well as a beautiful and healthy environment for everyone...

Science, maths and technology lie at the heart of many jobs in the land-based sector. Whether developing a phone app to help farmers check the soil types in fields, creating a wildlife habitat in an urban area or making sure the pitch is ready to play on for the match on Saturday, science, maths and technology...

The land-based and environmental sector offers many opportunities for self-employment and there are different options available. There are opportunities for those who want to start a business and employ staff  and also for those who want to offer their services as a self employed technically skilled professional....

After school, Amy initially studied childcare for two years before embarking upon a career in a pharmacy.  After 2 years training to be a...


Yao studied Ancience Chinese music at University. She applied for the role in Quality assurance as the role looked interesting and varied. Having had great opportunities to advance in her career, she is now involved in quality control, customer satisfaction and managing the...

This STEMNET resource describes the background and career of STEM Ambassador Jenny Tillotson, the Chief Executive Officer of Sensory Design and Technology Ltd. Jenny produces mood-enhancing clothes, jewellery and medical products.

Reading science fiction novels set Jenny thinking about how the arts and...

Receptors under our skin send signals to our brains about the world around us. Engineers are borrowing this idea from the human body to create a ‘smart skin’ for aircraft. In this activity students learn about motes, the tiny sensors at the heart of this innovation, and how science and mathematics are central to...

This Mathematics Matters case study, produced by the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, looks at how industry relies on cutting-edge mathematics to develop better quality communications. The amount of information we can transmit though the air is limited by the laws of physics, but the mathematics of...

From an early age, Giuseppe had an interest in sound and audio productino. After college he worked as a sound engineer at a recording studio, moving onto outdoor shows and cruise ship audio management. After working in the theatre, he has spent the last 8 eyars at the Royal Opera House, ensuring the...

Tim Peake is a European Space Agency astronaut. This resource gives background to Tim’s training leading up to his mission in 2015/16 to the International Space Station. Tim is shown in survival training, in the swimming pool training for microgravity, and in the centrifuge at the European Astronaut Centre to...

Tommy gained an interest in engineering while helping out in his grandfather’s workshop. After studying at college he did...

This Mathematics Matters case study, from the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, looks at how biometric identification systems rely on mathematical methods to convert images into data that can be digitally stored. It is essential that the biometric systems we depend on for national security can reliably...
