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Written by Oxford University Centre for Educational Assessment, this March 2009 review of teacher assessment was commissioned by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA). The review looked at teacher assessment in practice in a number of countries to see what works best and to consider the implications for...

This review of STEM careers, led by John Holman, was funded by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation in February 2010. The review covered provision of STEM careers education, information, advice and guidance in England. The report focused on secondary and further education, but recommended the need to commence careers...

This bulletin, the second edition in the series published by the Schools Council, reports on the many changes that were happening generally in primary schools and specifically in mathematics teaching. The period under review follows the publication of the Mathematical...

This report, produced by the Royal Society, has a triple purpose:

• to provide a summary of the quantitative information that is available on attainment and the workforce in respect of 5–14 science and mathematics education across the UK

• to explain the factors considered to have been influential in...

This report sets out the recommendations of an independent Review of Teachers’ Standards, chaired by Sally Coates. The review was launched by the Secretary of State in March 2011 with a remit to review the existing framework of professional standards for teachers. The Review Group comprises excellent teachers, head...

This document from the Department of Education looks at how teachers at schools in the White Horse Federation lead by example to encourage good behaviour and academic achievement. The resource explores strategies including teacher induction on behaviour, language skills and celebrating diversity, as part of the...

This resource by Pedagogics explores subtle adjustments to teacher's language in order to be less emotive, more objective-led and promote progress.

The Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Coordinating Centre (EPPICentre) was commissioned by the Wellcome Trust to undertake this systematic review of research about subject choice. The main aim of the review was to examine the factors that influence the STEM subject choices of young people (14-19...

The aim of this survey was to analyse the elements of successful nurture group provision and the difference that nurture groups make to the outcomes for students. Nurture groups are small, structured teaching groups for students showing signs of behavioural, social or emotional difficulties, particularly those who...

This report, published by the Science and Engineering Education Advisory Group in January 2012, addresses many of the challenges and opportunities arising in implementation of the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) as it affects the delivery of STEM education and engagement. It examines the ways in which STEM...

The number of children aged seven and under who are excluded from primary schools is very small and comprises a tiny proportion of children of this age from a very small proportion of schools. Nevertheless, some children of this age group are receiving fixed-period exclusions, occasionally leading to permanent...

This report contains eighteen recommendations relating to the importance of the teaching of statistics in the English education system. There are four recommendations under the heading of Statistics in our national life; five recommendation under the heading of Statistics in the School Curriculum; three...

This report, published in February 2015, discusses the findings of ‘The Visible Classroom’ project, which ...

This document from the Department of Education looks at how Stopsley Community Primary School encourages good behaviour by rewarding pupils. The resource explores the school's house point system, resources and support for teachers and their 'red carpet' policy as part of the managing behaviour and bullying in...

This report, commissioned by the Nuffield Foundation, addresses two questions: • What is the range and type of research evidence from countries with high performance in mathematics that gives insights into the reasons for their relatively high position? • What constitutes high performance in mathematics learning...
