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This Core Maths task investigates various aspects of gambling. Students investigate various aspects of gambling and helps develop a realistic...

This package of Core Maths resources ask students to produce a quote for a building a garden following a simple plan. Students are asked to use volume and area calculations, unit conversions and create precedence table and activity network.

Garden design: Overview
This teacher guide...

The Nuffield Foundation provide this activity which uses graphical methods to find a suitable model to connect two sets of data. There are a variety of ways in which the data could be used, depending on the focus required. It is possible to use a log graph to find an exponential model, which is the intended focus...

In this Genetic Futures workshop from the Centre for Science Education and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), students were asked to project themselves 50 years into the future to discover the breakthroughs that advances in DNA...

This resource requires problem solving skills to identify linear and quadratic relationships in a realistic context.

Students investigate covering square table tops with three types of tile; square tiles, half tiles, and quarter tiles. They create examples and then identify the resulting sequences.  


Produced by The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC), these resources help to put curriculum science in a real life context. The activities provide opportunities for children to extend their understanding of electricity by applying it to the concepts of electricity generation and its use in the...

This collection of resources from the Association for Science Education (ASE) and produced by teachers using standard ICT packages, illustrate some of the ways that ICT can be used to enrich existing schemes of work.


This resource develops the concept of manipulation and calculation with polynomials. Particular attention is paid to switching between algebraic and visual representations of polynomial expressions.  

Students focus on sequences generated from shading in parts of ‘dot’ diagrams. As an example, (n2...

Produced in 2015, these resources look specifically at how genes can be altered in plants and how bacteria are central to genetic engineering techniques. Genetically modified (GM) crops offer the potential to help improve food security though this still remains...

A number of scenarios are presented to encourage debate around genome sequencing. All teaching materials are provided.

  • The interaction of genetic and environmental factors in influencing phenotype
  • Ethical implications of genetic screening

Curriculum links:

  • Sequencing...

Carom Maths provides this resource for teachers and students of A Level mathematics.

A geodesic is the shortest distance between two points and here two problems involving cuboids and cylinders are investigated.

The resource is designed to explore aspects of the subject which may not normally be...

This unit looks at 'geoengineering', which is the implementation of large-scale interventions into the Earth's climate to reduce the impact of climate change. This includes the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere or reflection of solar...

From the Integrating Mathematical Problem Solving project by Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI), this activity for post-16 students demonstrates that the efficiency of a river can be measured using the hydraulic radius; this depends on the cross-sectional area of the river and the wetted perimeter of the...

This resource consists of five lessons in which students research the effect of climate change on glaciers. The overall learning objectives for the lessons are: * To understand the definition of a glacier * To understand what glacier mass balance means (what inputs mass and what are the outputs) * To understand how...
