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The initial question in this resource asks students to consider the equation y = 4x and say which is greater, x or y? Can they give reasons to justify their answer?

The lesson links algebraic equations to real-life situations. It also uncovers and addresses misconceptions concerning the meaning of variables...

This lesson develops the concept of interpreting multiplication and division. This includes working with calculations that involve non-integers. An outcome of the lesson is that students will be better able to select the correct operation to perform when solving word problems.

An initial activity has five...

This Nuffield Foundation resource opens with a team game that demonstrates the need for careful planning and collaboration. Students use their findings to construct a standard operating procedure that enables them to improve their performance through better collaboration. They are also introduced to their games...

This set of resources provided by Future Morph has been produced to help teachers use the world of work as a context for their teaching. They aim to engage students in STEM subjects and show them how the knowledge of those subjects relate to everyday life. This resource comprises of:


Carom Maths provides this resource for teachers and students of A Level mathematics.

This presentation begins with a reminder of some transformations of the plane before introducing the less well known transformation of Inversion. Students are able to experiment with an Autograph file to explore this concept...

This is one of a series of resources from the Institution of Engineering and Technology, produced in association with Fairfield Control Systems, exploring the theme of waterways.

In this activity pupils will learn what is meant by density and will conduct an experiment to find out if modelling clay...

This activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), focuses on understanding the steps and the decision-making process in the design and build of products.

The resource is designed to allow...

This activity looks at the primary mirror of the James Webb Space Telescope exploring the challenges that faced scientists and engineers whilst they were designing it. Linking to tessellating shapes in...

EV refers to Electric Vehicles and in this lesson pupils explore data, statistics, graphs and infographics related to road traffic and emissions from cars in the UK. They will critique graphs, read scales and calculate percentages looking at trends in vehicle registrations and proportions of types of newly...

In this lesson students develop their estimation and proportional reasoning skills, developing a sense of scale of large numbers, in the context of planting trees to achieve net zero.

Students explore estimates around the numbers of trees people are planting and what this looks like in terms of land use as...

In this lesson students explore data showing how much carbon dioxide different species of tree absorb from the atmosphere.

Students interpret data, statistics, graphs and infographics and make predictions and draw conclusions in the context of considering why trees are good for the environment. Students will...

Carom Maths provides this resource for teachers and students of A Level mathematics.

In this presentation students explore non-periodic tiling patterns using templates of kites and darts, as well as discovering the many remarkable facts to be found in these tilings.

The resource is designed to explore...

An ‘L’ shape is shown and the task is to find the centre of mass using only a straight edge and pencil. The solution makes use of the fact that the centre of mass of two objects will lie on a...

In this activity learners will to countdown backwards using different steps i.e. 1s, 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s. This will prepare learners to count to and across 100, forwards and backwards, beginning with zero, or from any given number. To enhance engagement, learners will release balloon ‘rockets’ when each countdown...

This is one of a series of resources to support the use of the BBC micro:bit. This resource focusses on pupils designing, programming and using a BBC micro:bit to complete the mission challenge to find out more about the planet Mars.

In this activity pupils will make use of the BBC micro:bit to design and...
