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This activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), makes students aware of the positives that modern communication systems give to society, and asks them to make decisions about the use of these systems for social, economic and environmental...

This Oftsted publication takes a look at the state of technology in schools shortly after the implementation of the National curriculum. It provides commentary on teaching and learning; curriculum and organisation; assessment, recording and reporting; staffing and staff development; accommodation and resources....

Produced in 1992, this Department for Education and Science and HM Inspectorate document evaluates the response of schools to the National Curriculum requirements for technology since its introduction in 1990. The report is based on the inspection of 884 schools: 438 secondary, 25 middle, 398 primary and 23 special...

Produced in 1993, this National Curriculum Council document was written to respond to the Secretary of State for Education’s proposals to address issues with the National Curriculum for technology at the time.

The key responses to the proposals include:
*The scope of ‘technology’– clarifying the...

This report was the third in a series, following on from Technology in the National Curriculum: Getting it Right and Technology at A Level: Getting it Right and was written for the Engineering Council by the same authors. This report...

This enquiry into technology and school science was conducted by HMI. The report was published in 1985. The enquiry was concerned not only with the specific technology courses offered by science departments but also sought to obtain details of any attempts being made to develop technology across the curriculum,...

The Technology at A Level: Getting it Right report followed on from the Technology in the National Curriculum: Getting it Right...

Following the establishment of the 1989/90 National Curriculum for Design and Technology, the Secretary of State for Education and Science and Secretary of State for Wales made proposals regarding the revision of the National Curriculum for Design and Technology.

The key proposals were:
*the number of...

Produced in 1982, this Department for Education and Science and HM Inspectorate booklet describes some aspects of technological studies in 90 schools in England and Wales. It gives information about the structure, content and organisation of courses in technology, and about some other ways in which schools...

This report is the fourth in the Engineering Council's series on technology in schools and was published in 1997. It looks at the state of technology in schools seven years after the subject was established in the National Curriculum. It gives data and details of challenges faced by some technology departments....

This resource from TechSheCan explores how technology is used in manufacturing. It references robotics, fashion and suggests careers links to engineering. It provides teacher notes, a classroom presentation and homework activity.

In this activity, learners will work in groups to share their knowledge of the use of technology in sport. They will each give a 60 second presentation about the topic to their group.

This resource could be used as a starter activity or as part of an exercise for learners to develop their knowledge of how...

Written the year after the introduction of the National Curriculum, this report from the Department of Education and Science specifies the Attainment Targets expected of students at all stages of compulsory education in technology. Programmes of Study are described, along with examples of work that students could...

This report, published in 1992 by the Engineering Council, gives an analysis of the development of technology in schools, identifying the problems associated with it at the time.

The report considers how technology fits into the National Curriculum, looks at problems concerning perceived parity with other...
