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This publication, from Warwick University, reports on the STEM Careers Awareness Timeline Pilot. The Timeline project seeks to establish how schools can embed a more systematic programme of careers awareness into the existing subject curriculum. The report gives emerging findings from working with stakeholders and...

This Nuffield task is to design an emergency shelter, using a 4m x 3m rectangular piece of tent material, to protect three people from wind and rain.

The key processes developed include:


There is widespread agreement about the importance of mathematics for individuals and for wider society. The Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME) believes that all students should receive high quality mathematics teaching from teachers who are themselves professional learners. A world-class education...

[b]Linear equations:[/b] the objective of this activity is to develop skills in working with linear equations. Pairs of students are given a set of cards containing a number of linear equations. Students are asked to sort the cards into categories based upon their own criteria. Students have to justify why each...

These resources from SMILE consist of short questions designed to assess students' progress in mathematics. Each section consists of a statement which describes the mathematics being assessed, an example to help students understand what is required and questions for the students to complete. The answers to the...


This resource from Siemens consists of a series of lessons based around a cross curriculum interactive online game designed for KS3 and KS4 students to develop knowledge across mathematics, science and technology. Students are required to select an energy plan for the energy island from several technologies. As...

Personal transport is becoming safer as technological advancements are made and more and more safety features are designed. The resources in this collection explore current transport issues around safety and think about the future of global travel, considering the design of vacuum tube trains and introducing ideas...

Engaging Mathematics for All Learners, produced by the Department for Education, draws together the experience of teachers and their learners in a series of case studies. The rich variety of content, from using recreational activities as a starting point for classroom mathematics in a residential special school to...

Opportunities for engineers exist at all levels and these career route maps from Neon show various routes through education and training to become a professional engineer in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.


Using enhancement and enrichment activities helps to promote greater engagement with STEM subjects and raises awareness of STEM careers. These resources support the establishment and utilisation of external partnerships to promote STEM subject choice and careers.

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