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These two guides from Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) help teachers to plan and organise school visits to CERN in Geneva and the Isaac Newton group of telescopes on La Palma in the Canary Islands. The guides give great reasons to visit, explain what services and support would be offered to school...

This new curriculum resource from CensusAtSchool is presented at two levels of difficulty. This idea is relatively current as it links with the 'Da Vinci code' and the theory of the Vitruvian man as put forward by Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519).


This podcast from the Planet Earth Online collection and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) looks at how the eruption of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland gave scientists an unparalleled opportunity for research, and why sediment from rivers like the Thames can act like time machines to bygone...

In this resource students find the volume of a variety of cuboids in real life contexts.

The resource is part of the Nuffield Maths Level 1 Foundation resource collection.

WEAR asks us to investigate the issues of the fashion industry. Are we too wasteful, throwing clothes away once they've been worn a few times? Do we care who's making our clothing and how much they're being paid? How does our clothing represent who we are and what we have to say?

What if we could all...

WORLDbytes is a unique online Citizen TV channel set up and run by the education charity WORLDwrite. Dedicated to advancing new knowledge, skills and ideas, the charity promotes excellence in citizen reporting and provides free training to volunteer-learners which combines practical film making with tackling...

This podcast from the Planet Earth Online collection and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) looks at why weathermen are using a converted World War II bunker to monitor clouds; how thug species such as bramble, nettle and bracken can be just as damaging to woodlands as alien plants; and why scientists...

Students investigate potential jobs and compare the wages. They then use a spreadsheet to calculate overtime rates of pay.

This resource is part of the Nuffield Maths Level 1 Foundation resource collection.

These technical briefs focus on low cost approaches to accessing clean water and sanitation. This is vital to health and well being and low costs are particularly important to poorer communities in the developing world.

Technical briefs are documents produced by Practical Action which are freely available to...

Practical Action helps local communities in the developing world gain access to services such as water and sanitation, vital for a decent quality of life. Some examples of how they go about doing this and the technologies involved are demonstrated in these videos:

  • Dying for a drink - solar powered...

Water for the World was developed jointly by Engineers Without Borders UK (EWB) and Arup, a global firm of engineering consultants and specialists. There are three resources, investigating issues of water scarcity, sourcing and supply and showing how engineers can help to solve problems. Although initially designed...

Due to problems in the manufacture of tinplate coils, the edge of the strip can be slightly longer than the centre. This causes a 'wave' on the wall of the coil but can be rectified by differentially stretching the strip to make the edges flat. Students are required to apply Pythagoras' theorem to find the radius...

The We Are Aliens! teaching resources were produced to support the planetarium show made by NSC Creative. They have been produced by lead educators from the National Space Academy to use the context of space to teach physics, chemistry and biology in the curriculum. The resources contain practical activities,...

This activity demonstrates how a Raspberry Pi running Python can interact with other devices in the browser. Using the framework, web forms can be served to mobile phones, tablets etc, and accept input which is fed into the Python script. The project helps students to see how web servers work, and how...

The Wellcome Trust Monitor is a unique survey of UK adults' and young people's views of science, biomedical research and science education.

* Wave 1 (the baseline survey) was conducted in 2009 by the National Centre for Social Research who interviewed 1,179 adults and 374 young people.
*Wave 2 was...
