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This optimisation problem is an ideal opportunity to use the real-world context of logistics as an application of first fit, first fit decreasing and full bin algorthims.

In this activity students have to decide how to pack a number of items into the least number of parcels possible, within certain...

This optimisation problem is an ideal opportunity to use the real-world context of logistics as an application of a first fit decreasing algorthim.

In this activity students have to decide how to cut pieces of wood to make a shelving unit using the least number of planks of wood, within certain constraints....

This optimisation problem is an ideal opportunity to use the real-world context of logistics as an application of first fit algorthims.

In this activity students have to allocate a number of different jobs to different employees within certain constraints. As part of the task students are introduced to first...

This resource, from the Maths Careers website, uses paper folding to investigate the platonic solids and was created in conjunction with More Maths Grads and the University of Leeds.

This activity was designed to be run with Key Stage 3 students and involves constructing several of the platonic solids using...

In this activity from the Nuffield Foundation, which uses a scenario of parking permits at a college to introduce the topic, students learn about collecting data by stratified sampling and designing a questionnaire. A full review of relevant statistical terms is provided, together with instructions of how to select...

In this resource the mass of a group of objects is given, with the mean matching the number of objects. The mass of a subset of the objects is given, again with the mean mass matching the number of objects. The challenge is to calculate the mean mass of the remaining objects.

Solving the problem requires the...

The Nuffield Foundation provides this resource which reviews the perimeter and area of rectangles and shapes made from rectangles. The activity can be introduced by viewing the slideshow and a student information sheet, which contains the main points is also provided. The activity cards allow students to...

From the Integrating Mathematical Problem Solving project by Mathematics for Education and Industry (MEI), this activity for post-16 students demonstrates that coffee cools gradually because it is hotter than room temperature and heat is lost to the room. Mixing the coffee with milk also cools it but this effect is...

This STEM activity introduces pupils to fractions by giving them the opportunity to cut a pizza in a range of ways. Pupils will be able to show how pizza can be shared into equal parts and recognise halves and quarters as part of a whole unit. This activity could be used as a starter or main activity to introduce...

Many topological graphs have edges that cross. The aim is to re-draw the graph in such a way that none of the edges cross. The task informs students they are required to design a printed circuit board and since the wires are not insulated they must not cross.

Planarity: presentation - an...

Within this resource, learners will work in groups of four, use their mathematical skills and scientific knowledge to help plan for an expedition to the Antarctic in 3 sessions.  They will consider the appropriate clothing, food and other essential equipment they will need to take with them.  Learners will also use...

In this Nuffield ...

