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Nearly two hundred years after Faraday wowed his audiences by demonstrating electromagnetic induction, this clip takes a variety of exciting and contemporary examples through which to explain the principles behind the phenomenon that has made it possible to produce and distribute electrical energy on a large scale...



Published by the Wellcome Trust, the 'Big Picture' explores issues around biology and medicine.

Fat is a word that carries a lot of weight, conjuring up topics as diverse as obesity, hibernating animals, and what we eat and how we cook it. This issue of the Big Picture looks at the fats and lipids to find...


This KS2 resource supports learning about how living things can be classified into groups scientifically. Activities are based around tasks carried out in the ‘real world’ by scientists working for organisations such as Fera.

Activities include:


This resource supports the teaching of instrumental analysis, including gas chromatography - mass spectrometry  (GS-MS) time of flight mass spectrometry, using the context of archaeology. This is done by relating the use of solvents, chromatography and mass spectrometry techniques to discoveries from the study of...


Sarah is a finance manager for the Arcadia Group, she discusses her role in this video. Sarah is responsible for cash flow forecasts and finance...
