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The European Space Agency’s (ESA), new robotic rover Rosalind Franklin will explore Mars and send back data vital for human exploration in the future. This resource provides activities for different age ranges, which are:


In this activity, the children are introduced to robots...

These resources cover a variety of activities linked to the theme of the Moon.

Our society is linked by many networks: telephone networks, utility supply networks, computer networks, and road networks. For a particular network there is usually some choice about where the roads, cables, or radio links can be placed. This resource explores the need to find ways of efficiently linking objects in...

Get your pupils discussing the work of Nobel prize winner for physiology or medicine 2022, Svante Paabo, by looking at evolution and DNA sequencing with these resources.

  • Evolution - For primary aged pupils looks at how organisms adapt to their environment and think about adaptations for humans that...

When there are a lot of people using one resource, such as cars using roads, or messages getting through the Internet, there is the possibility of “deadlock”. A way of working cooperatively is needed to avoid this happening. The resource begins with instructions on how to play the orange game. The activity contains...

This activity shows how to accomplish a simple, but nevertheless seemingly impossible task -making a fair random choice by flipping a coin, between two people who don’t necessarily trust each other, and are connected only by a telephone. The resource begins with a detailed explanation of the activity and...

This resource provides five activities which support learning about food, diet, digestion and food preparation and preservation all set in the context of Polar Exploration. Each activity has a context that links it to a person working in the...

This resource provides a framework for teachers to run a transition project with Year 6 pupils to help them with the move from primary to secondary school. The project is based on the theme of Polar Exploration and aims to enable pupils to use and develop a range of STEM skills that they will ultimately need to...

Many optimization problems involve situations where certain events cannot occur at the same time, or where certain members of a set of objects cannot be adjacent. For example, anyone who has tried to time-table classes or meetings will have encountered the problem of satisfying the constraints on all the people...

This edition of the Computing at School newsletter focuses on teaching computing in primary schools, and contains articles covering:

*Pedagogy of computing in primary schools

*National curriculum programme of study

*Game design in the primary classroom

*Primary – secondary transition...

Published in 2015, the Wellcome Trust worked with the National STEM Learning Centre and Network to develop an intensive continuing professional development (CPD) programme for primary teachers to improve their expertise, in order to become Primary Science Leaders in their schools.

The Trust commissioned the...

This resource is designed as an introduction to activities available using a Raspberry Pi computer. The introduction explains:
*what a Raspberry Pi is: a small, affordable yet powerful computer
*what can be learnt from this manual: how to perform simple programming and the basics of computer science...

