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A Barefoot Computing introductory programming activity for lower-primary children learning computing. Using the iPad app Scratch Jr, children are given the opportunity to develop skills by tinkering with existing programs as well as creating their own. Children might be offered the chance to tinker with other basic...

This resource, aimed at Key Stage Two, looks at the how the properties of a material lead to it being used for a particular purpose. The lesson plan provides links to the topics of everyday materials and their uses, forces and design and technology. Children are asked to make observations of lifeboats thinking...

This resource, aimed at Key Stage Two, investigates heat transfer as one of the principles of heat pumps used to heat lifeboat stations. Linking to the topics of materials and their properties and changes of state, children learn how heat moves from high energy (warm) to lower energy (cold) down a gradient and how...

The Teaching Primary Science book Seeds and seedlings contains many suggestions for class organisation and for activities relating to this topic. It acknowledges and makes suggestions for addressing the problem of what to do between sowing seeds and producing seedlings...

This resource, produced by the Institute of Physics (IOP) and the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM), contains a short introduction to medical imaging and how seeing inside your body can help diagnosis. A presentation is accompanied by teachers' notes.

The presentation describes:


This Barefoot Computing primary school resource helps children to Understand how search engines work. By acting as a ‘web crawler’ and collecting information across a small selection of web pages, they learn what in data is indexed by search engines and how this is used when a search query is received. As well as...

Learn about the cooling down of liquids and thermal insulators in this colourful comic aimed at students in Key Stage Two. Written to promote enquiry skills in a context, it focuses on making predictions before carrying out an investigation on how quickly a hot liquid...

Learn about the properties of gases in this colourful comic aimed at Key Stage Two. Written to promote scientific enquiry, it contains a linked investigation which focuses on how to plan and carry out an investigation when considering which materials are good at...

Learn about the properties of materials in this colourful comic aimed at students in Key Stage Two. Written to promote enquiry skills, it contains a linked investigation which focuses on making careful observations when testing the hardness of materials.


Learn about the forces of air resistance and gravity in this colourful comic aimed at Key Stage Two. Written to promote scientific enquiry, it includes an air resistance investigation to find which is the best shape and size for a parachute. It also focuses on asking...

Learn about the properties of solids, liquids and gases in this colourful comic aimed at students in Key Stage Two. Written to promote enquiry skills, it contains a linked investigation which focuses on planning and evaluating evidence when investigating how to create...

Learn about thermal insulators and changing state in this colourful comic aimed at Key Stage Two. Written to promote enquiry skills in a context, it focuses on planning and carrying out a fair test to investigate which materials are the best insulators.


Learn about the properties of solids and liquids and dissolving in this colourful comic aimed at students in Key Stage Two. Written to promote enquiry skills in a context, it focuses on planning investigative work and evaluating evidence before carrying out an...

Learn about the properties of materials and changing state in this colourful comic aimed at students in Key Stage Two. Written to promote enquiry skills, it contains a linked investigation which focuses on planning and recording when finding out how to make the best...

Learn about the properties of materials in this colourful comic aimed at students in Key Stage Two. Written to promote enquiry skills in a context, it focuses on making careful observations when carrying out an investigation testing the hardness of materials.

