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The workbook contains a number of simulations designed to aid students understanding of the Binomial distribution.

Binomial distribution: simulated tossing a coin ten times. The probability of achieving 0,1,2… heads is calculated and displayed in a frequency table and a bar chart. The...

This unit looks at biofuels and how these relate to the climate crisis, fossil fuels and the food industry and whether they are the future of fuels.

In this unit students consider the relationship between the growing of crops for food or for fuel and conduct independent research to write a policy brief on...

From the Integrating Mathematical Problem Solving project by Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI), this activity for post-16 students demonstrates that if a link is suspected between a risk factor and an illness, statistical methods can be used to test whether such a link exists. Topic areas covered are:...

In this biochemistry-based activity students consider why many industrial chemical reactions are being catalysed by enzymes. They find out about an important coenzyme, NADH and act in role as industrial chemists by evaluating the different ways of recycling it.


This Nuffield Working with Science unit aimed to draw on the popularity of bird watching to develop skills of observation and investigation.

Guidance for teachers and technicians appears in...

In this activity, students are challenged to produce a scatter diagram consisting of ten points that give a product moment correlation coefficient of exactly 0.99. Students are expected to appreciate that the points will lie almost exactly on a straight line with at least one point being slightly out. The answer...

This Core Maths task involves substituting values into the BMI formula in order to make health decisions.

An introductory ...

This resource introduces the formulae for the surface areas of cylinders, cones and spheres. Students are asked to use these to...

In this resource from CensusAtSchool, students are guided through the use of box and whisker plots and the use of quartiles and the interquartile range. Students compare two sets of data of student heights by drawing box and whisker plots.

This is an opportunity to use graphic calculators.

This activity covers the compact method of coding used by Braille. It explores calculating the number of different patterns that exist using a 3 x 2 design.


The core of this Nuffield Working with Science unit is made up of sections covering the preparation and testing of beer, the science of brewing, and the effects of alcohol consumption.

Guidance for teachers and...

In this module students will study barnacle morphology, life histories and life styles as Darwin did. He based his classification and search for a common ancestor upon his studies. Recent work using genetic and molecular evidence and scanning electron microscopy shows how some of the key difficulties in drawing the...


The Youth Grand Challenges is a new STEM competition that aims to inspire students aged 11-to-19.  This resource provides a selection of ideas for research or practical projects on the subect of the spread of disease.

Curriculum links include pathogens, bacteria, epidemics, pandemics, malaria, water borne...

This resource, produced by SEPNet and Queen Mary University of London, uses Lego to represent the building blocks of matter. Different colour Lego bricks are assigned to different quarks and leptons. The quarks can be put together to make hadrons, such as protons and neutrons. The blocks can also be used to show...
