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A collection of resources linked to climate change themes suitable for secondary aged students. Themes include but are not limited to, global warming, recycling and sustainability, flooding, pollution, renewable energy, the carbon cycle, the greenhouse effect and global goals for sustainable development.


Professor Sanjeev Gupta explains how scientists from many different disciplines have been brought together for the European Space Agency Aurora programme.  Scientists and engineers also speak about how exciting it is to be working on a search for life on other planets. 

This video is part of a series of ten...


This STEM Learning resource collection aims to support STEM Ambassadors to highlight the top 10 employability skills to young people, with examples of activities and discussions to support young people to develop these skills in either school, college or other settings. 

This resource focuses on...

These materials support teachers, careers and personal advisers who are working together to broaden knowledge of STEM opportunities amongst students and parents. Resources include posters and support materials for practitioners. Teachers may also find the following eLibrary collections useful:

  • ...

This STEM Learning resource collection aims to support STEM Ambassadors to highlight the top 10 employability skills to young people, with examples of activities and discussions to support young people to develop these skills in either school, college or other settings.  


Mark is a 3D modeller at Jagex, a computer games design company. He discusses his role in this video. He role involves the creation of 3D characters, areas and environments , taking briefs for art teams to bring it to life. He enjoyed art at school, was a keen gamer as a child and wanted to pursue his dream job....

This edition of the Computing a School (CAS) newsletter includes articles covering:

*Pedagogy of computational thinking and programming

*Modelling and simulation with StarLogoTNG

*Scratch and RoboMind

*Text-based programming with Small Basic

*Route finding with graphs at A-Level...

This STEMNET resource describes the background and career of STEM Ambassador Colin Glen, a project engineer working in a construction company.

Colin has worked on many great buildings in London. He is part of a team that ensures the comnpany's design, plans and construction meet the required specifications...

This STEMNET resource describes the background and career of STEM Ambassador Vicki Hodges, an Attitude and Orbit Control Systems engineer working on a project to develop an unmanned spacecraft.

Having joined the Astrium graduate scheme, Vicki has moved around the company and gained experience in a variety of...

Series which focuses on the less obvious STEM career choices.

This activity  from Plotr uses the game of bingo as a way of  getting students to  think creatively about the range of careers available in STEM sectors, particularly careers in construction and engineering.

This Mathematics Matters case study, from the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, looks at how mathematical models try to understand the causes of rogue waves. These huge waves appear without warning, towering high over ships and oil rigs. Traditional mathematical models could not predict the occurrence...

Debbie Lumb is an Assistant Headteacher in a science specialist college and is working with three colleagues to boost students' engagement with STEM subjects both in and out of school. Her team has received practical advice and support from STEMNET which provides them with training, networking and other events....

This STEMNET resource describes the background and career of STEM Ambassador Chris Robbins, a design engineer and Director of a small independent consultancy.

Chris uses maths to help companies solve problems by developing mathematical models and associated software to help select appropriate materials and...
