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From the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), this leaflet describes our Sun and its impact on Earth. It looks at the properties of the Sun and how current space missions and ground-based experiments are providing new understanding of our nearest star. STFC is a part of the Research Councils UK (RCUK)...

This Catalyst article looks at the effect exercise has on the body. Poor fitness contributes to poor life expectancy, and inability to exercise reduces quality of life in the ill or aged. Scientists hope to understand the mechanisms which limit 'exercise tolerance' which would contribute to enhanced performance for...

This Mechanics in Action Project guide offers suggestions of practical activities for teaching mechanics that use the Leeds Mechanics Kit. The investigations focus on the modeling cycle. The Leeds Mechanics Kit contains simple apparatus for use with the mechanics syllabuses in A level Mathematics and Further...

This collection of resources from the Virtual Text Book contains six sub-collections designed for use on an interactive whiteboard to aid the teaching and learning of a variety of topics. Each resource is an interactive excel worksheet to encourage teacher-student interaction.
The sub-collections are:


This is one of the 14 Background Books published for Stage III of the Nuffield Chemistry Sample Scheme. The books were highly illustrated and designed to be attractive. This book consists of a series of articles about scientists who won the Nobel Prize between 1929 and...

These guides contain instructions on how to build a 3D CAD model of the Webb Space Telescope using Fusion 360. The Webb Space Telescope is a space telescope that will be...

Most people are all too familiar with the idea of animal parasites, including tape worms, ticks and lice. But did you know that plants can also act as parasites, exploiting resources from unwilling hosts? Rather than being rare anomalies, however, there are over 4000 known species of parasitic plants, with...

In this practical protocol students investigate one way in which bacteria acquire antibiotic resistance through conjugation - horizontal gene transfer from one bacterial strain or species to another.

Plasmid-mediated evolution is fast because whole functional ‘modules’ are lost and gained, rather than the...

This Core Maths activity is based on the television programme ‘The Apprentice’ and was written by Core Maths students and their tutor. Examples of student work is also included.

The Apprentice: Guidance

The guide explains how the task was created and introduces the activity, including...

This Catalyst article investigates high pressure chemistry and discovers that, when put under extreme pressure, the properties of a material may change dramatically.

This article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2016, Volume 27, Issue 1.


We all share something amazing in common – that we developed from a single sperm and egg to become complicated, sophisticated organisms, made of trillions of cells. But what are these cells like and how do they vary from one tissue to another?

This poster gives a flavour of the complex make-up of a...

This Core Maths tasks aims to help students appreciate the cost of credit and the implications of choosing to use credit. It is based on a Your Financial Future activity, by the Tower Hamlets Business Education Partnership.

The lesson plan includes required prior knowledge, suggested approaches and possible...

This Core Maths tasks invites students to explore the costs associated with studying at university. It is based on a Your Financial Future activity, by the Tower Hamlets Business Education Partnership.

The lesson plan includes required prior knowledge, suggested approaches and possible extension tasks. There...

Published in 2009 by LSIS, this report describes an action research project carried out at Richard Huish College. This project was a study into how feasible it would be to produce interactive materials by non-computing specialists. Such resources can be made to fit a teacher’s exact requirements and students gain...
