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From the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, this resource helps students to consider the allocations of funds to one or more malaria intervention projects. In groups they must discuss the pros and cons of different the projects and decide which should receive funding....

A matching is a set of edges on a bipartite graph in which no two edges share a common vertex. A bipartite graph consists of two sets of vertices X and Y. The edges only join vertices in X to vertices in Y. A matching in a bipartite graph is the pairing of some or all of the vertices in X with some or all of the...

From the Integrating Mathematical Problem Solving project by Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI), this activity shows that income is not equally distributed among all the inhabitants of a country. This can be shown visually using a graph and also measured. The mathematical ideas covered are:

In this lesson, students will investigate some of the meteorites and associated rocks in the loan box. They will test them for magnetism, do a visual analysis and measure their mass to calculate the densities of their items. This activity is particularly geared towards getting students to estimate the volume of the...

In plants, cell division by mitosis takes place in specific tissues, called meristems, that are found at the growing root and shoot tips and in the cambium between the xylem and phloem of the vascular bundle. The cells in the meristems are...

This activity is an ideal opportunity to use the real-world context of logistics as an application of solving multi-step mathematical problems and evaluating the outcomes. It is one of three mathematical problem-solving activities with a...

This activity is an ideal opportunity to use the real-world context of logistics to demonstrate the practical use of greedy...

This activity is an ideal opportunity to use the real-world context of logistics to develop students' use of formal...

The aim of a minimum spanning tree is to connect every vertex of the network using the edges having the least possible total weight. The task requires students to analyse information about a town centre and suggest which roads should be pedestrianized. [

Minimum spanning tree: presentation...

Produced by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, in this activity students have to use their observational skills to identify and record the difference (phenotypic change) between two images, one wild type zebra fish and one mutant zebra fish.

To aid in their diagnosis of the phenotypic change, a glossary...

In this activity from the Nuffield Foundation, students match descriptions of a variety of real scenarios involving motion with the corresponding velocity–time and displacement–time graphs. Several issues will be discussed while completing this task and students will also have to consider how realistic or...

From the Integrating Mathematical Problem Solving project by Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI), this activity shows that derivatives can help to manage risk. The market in derivatives has grown enormously in recent years. On average, speculators break even. The mathematical ideas covered are:

From the Integrating Mathematical Problem Solving project by Mathematics for Education and Industry (MEI), this activity for post-16 students shows how money which circulates has a greater effect than could be expected. The activity starts by students predicting on what they will spend their wages when they get a...
