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WORLDbytes is a unique online Citizen TV channel set up and run by the education charity WORLDwrite. Dedicated to advancing new knowledge, skills and ideas, the charity promotes excellence in citizen reporting and provides free training to volunteer-learners which combines practical film making with tackling...

This podcast from the Planet Earth Online collection and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) looks at why weathermen are using a converted World War II bunker to monitor clouds; how thug species such as bramble, nettle and bracken can be just as damaging to woodlands as alien plants; and why scientists...

This Salters’ Chemistry Course unit from the University of York Science Education Group covered:
* The use of fuels in keeping warm
* The chemical changes when fuels burn
* Some consequences of the large scale use of fuels.


In this activity students consider the questions:

• What are the main sources that cause severe water shortage in Europe?
• How different harmful elements (e.g. fertilizers, gasoline, sulphuric acid) pollute freshwater?
• What methods / strategies can be used to save water?
• What methods...

In this practical activity, students investigate the salinity of three different water samples using a multimeter. Students first calibrate their salination probe and test the salinity of their solutions. Students can be asked to suggest how errors might have appeared...

These technical briefs focus on low cost approaches to accessing clean water and sanitation. This is vital to health and well being and low costs are particularly important to poorer communities in the developing world.

Technical briefs are documents produced by Practical Action which are freely available to...

A selection of images related to water and sanitation.

Practical Action helps local communities in the developing world gain access to services such as water and sanitation, vital for a decent quality of life. Some examples of how they go about doing this and the technologies involved are demonstrated in these videos:

  • Dying for a drink - solar powered...
This cartoon help pupils explore environmental issues around accessing, storing and cleaning water. It also looks at the water cycle and the need to save water.
Concept Cartoons are quick, simple and effective. They are designed to intrigue, provoke discussion and stimulate thinking....

Water for Everyone Everywhere is a workshop designed to encourage pupils to explore the global challenges associated with access to safe and clean drinking water around the world. Pupils learn about the importance of water to people’s everyday lives and the role that engineering infrastructure plays in the...

Water for the World was developed jointly by Engineers Without Borders UK (EWB) and Arup, a global firm of engineering consultants and specialists. There are three resources, investigating issues of water scarcity, sourcing and supply and showing how engineers can help to solve problems. Although initially designed...

In this resource from the European Space Agency, students design and develop an entire space mission to Mars. The objective of the mission is to send a programmed LEGO rover to the surface of the Red Planet to study changes in state of water. Students take temperature measurements and interpret the data collected...

The spacecraft that have orbited around Mars and landed on its surface have shown us (via images and data) that there is no liquid water on the surface of Mars. However, these satellite images have also revealed to us features that appear to have been created or carved out by flowing water. In fact, scientists feel...
