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This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

Contrails occur when water vapour from jet engines condenses – only when the temperature and humidity conditions of the air is right. Contrails act like greenhouse gases. Marc Stettler from Imperial College, London is interested in guiding aircraft to fly where conditions are right, reducing contrail formation....

Explore the world of sustainability through the knowledge and expertise of those seeking to effect change and make a difference. Through a series of videos, webinars, articles, ideas and practical activities young people aged 11 to 18 and their educators can expand their knowledge, question the world around them...

This handbook looks at opportunities for educators to introduce environmental education across the EYFS framework and primary national curriculum for England.

It looks at the curriculum and gives examples and case studies of how teachers can explore environmental issues with their students. It provides...

This handbook looks at opportunities for educators to introduce environmental education across the national curriculum for key stages 3 and 4 in England.

It looks at the curriculum and gives examples and case studies of how teachers can explore environmental issues with their students. It provides...

This book explores the significance of the forests in Scotland, northern Scandinavia, Siberia, Alaska and Canada for all life on Earth. The author considers what the trees, and the people who live and work alongside them, have to tell us about the past, present and future of our planet, considering the accelerating...

The future of food is one of the biggest challenges on our plate as food and drink are fundamental to our lives. The Crunch, created by Wellcome Trust, was a year of free activities, experiences and discussions about our food, our health and our planet that took place during 2016. These teaching notes explore land...

The future of food is one of the biggest challenges on our plate as food and drink are fundamental to our lives. The Crunch, created by Wellcome Trust, was a year of free activities, experiences and discussions about our food, our health and our planet that took place during 2016. These teaching notes explore...

The future of food is one of the biggest challenges on our plate as food and drink are fundamental to our lives. The Crunch, created by Wellcome ...

This resource is a simplified version of part of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) report in 2021on the evidence for climate change and human activity that drives it. The language used is appropriate for pupils aged 14 to 16 and can be used as a reading comprehension exercise. Pupils have to...

The arctic is the epicenter of climate change, warming twice as quickly as the rest of the planet and driving increasing weather extremes across the northern hemisphere. But because the region is so remote, scientists have had a limited understanding of its processes. This book is the inside account of the MOSAiC ...

A groundswell of research suggests insect numbers are in serious decline all over the world, in some places by over 90%. This book explores this hidden emergency, arguing that its consequences could even rival climate change. We rely on insect pollination for the bulk of our agriculture, they are a prime food...

The chemical pollution that irrevocably damages today's environment is the legacy of conscious choices made long ago. A few courageous individuals spoke out without compromise, but still more ignored scientific truth in pursuit of money and prestige. This book reveals the crucial decisions that allowed...

This book tells the story of what happened when a fire-wielding species, humanity, met an especially fire-receptive time in Earth's history. Since terrestrial life first appeared, flames have flourished but the ancient relationships between humans and fire broke down when people began to burn fossil biomass -...
