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From The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC), these activities investigate the crystallisation of sugar in the fondant of creme eggs.

Complaints of 'glass' in creme eggs, and other sugar confectionery products, are sometimes the result of the growth of very large crystals of sugar. In these...

In this activity students carry out an activity to see if they can tell the difference between drinks that contain sugar and those that contain sweeteners.

Students learn about chiral molecules and how sweeteners can...


In these AMP resources, co-funded by the Clothworkers and Nuffield Foundation, students investigate making different symmetrical shapes, using one or more of three given shapes. Students will work logically, identifying and classifying patterns making general statements...

This resource contains 20 instant maths ideas designed to provide students with the opportunity to: * explore reflections of two dimensional shapes * investigate what happens when coordinates are transformed * decide whether the human face is symmetrical * design patterns exhibiting rotational symmetry * explore...

These technical briefs focus on low cost approaches to accessing energy. This is vital to health and well being and low costs are particularly important to poorer communities in the developing world.


One of a series of resources from Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS) investigating key topics in plant biology. This reliable and enjoyable practical gives students the opportunity to observe the different pigments involved in photosynthesis using thin layer chromatography (TLC). A low-cost method to get the...

Scientists at the University of Oxford are investigating the link between sporting activity in young people and the development of osteoarthritis. In very active people, bony lesions can form on the hip joint (FAI) which increases their risk of developing the condition...

Act 1

A Taco cart is shown on a beach. Two people set off...

In this SATIS Revisited resource the activities take students through a comparison of the risks associated with different activities using data at personal, community, national and global levels.

There are three activities in this unit, which have been written to be followed sequentially. Students work...

These resources from the European Space Agency climate change initiative education resource pack allow students to learn about how data can be collected by sensors and how the orbit of satellites affect the details that can be obtained - Taking the Pulse of the Planet

The first activity is text...

In this topic from the Association for Science Education, students explore the importance of food in their lives. The topic is designed to allow classes in schools across the world to exchange information about diet, health, sources of food and the cultural aspects of food.

Students consider the significance...

This resource begins with a description of what a tangram is and they can be used in the classroom, including a number of extensions and variations.

A step-by-step guide of how to produce a tangram is followed by several pages of challenges in the form of pictures for students to reproduce. Students are then...

This activity challenges students to work in small teams to design a water supply system for a small town of 5,000 inhabitants. They have to work within a budget, including giving themselves a profit margin.


In this Bowland assessment task, students are asked to organise a trip to the airport for 75 people. A combination of small and large taxis can be used. Students are told how many people each taxi can hold and how much each taxi costs and are required to find the cheapest solution. Students select a suitable...
