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This video, for the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), looks at how water is becoming an increasingly precious resource, even in affluent places like California where the infrastructure is struggling to cope with demand. Engineers have looked at extreme conservation, sea water desalination, importing...

Follow Women’s Engineering Society’s president Dawn Bonfield on her journey looking at some incredible and inspiring stories of female engineers past and present. ...

William is a QA tester at Realtime Worlds, he discusses his role in this video. Having enjoyed playing computer games at school, he was keen to get into the industry and studied computer science at university. His role in QA allows him to understand indepth the development world, ultimately wanting to progress to...

Produced in 2015, these resources look at the development of encoding messages and how technology and science has developed to allow us to keep messages secure. Looking at unintuitive quantum properties of light, Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principal and entanglement, students will see how keys can be shared to ensure...


Kelly is a radiographer at Addenbrookes hospital.  She produces X-rays for doctors to use in the diagnoses.  She was a parent at a young age and decided to follow an access course for two evenings a week over two years.  She aims to specialise in an area of radiography and progress to becoming a senior member of...


Dr. Lewis Dartnell takes a sample from the Atacama desert, to the Open University, to be analysed by a Raman spectrometer.  The spectrometer shows the organic compounds that Lewis found on the quartz, as well as the composition of the quartz itself.

This video is part of a series of ten which look at the one...
