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These worksheets from Subtangent, which are useful for revision, cover sample space diagrams, cumulative frequency, mean and standard deviation. There is also a useful guide to carrying out a data handling project. The guide to data handling is extensive, covering the data handling cycle, types of chart and graphs...

On World Bee day help to highlight the importance of bees to the environment and humankind with these useful resources which can be linked to a variety of subjects for different age ranges.

They include activities to help identify different species of bee and bee pollinated plants through to resources...

International cricket is the focus of this resource, from the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching. Data relating to 2006 is used to demonstrate how the ICC Test Championship Table is constructed and students are guided through a series of activities that have been designed to prompt discussion and develop...

World Meteorological Day takes place every year on 23rd March and commemorates the establishment of the World Meteorological Organization. This collection includes a number of activities looking at the weather and climate, from measuring weather phenomena such as rainfall, wind direction and speed, to using 3D...

This day founded by the Rainforest Partnership highlights the work of this global movement to protect and restore rainforests.

The activities highlighted here cover those suitable for primary which include:

  • looking at the both tropical and temperate rainforest habitats
  • studying and...

This Cre8ate maths topic gives opportunities to explore real data. Women's marathon involves constructing a statistical chart whilst ratio and percentage are used in Record differences. Logical thinking is needed in World record match.

Water is crucial to human life, but it can also be a killer. Water contaminated with micro-organisms or chemicals, which is then used for drinking or cooking, is a leading cause of disease and death across the world. Poor facilities for the disposal of sewage and other waste water can quickly lead to the spread of...

Act 1

A video shows a square filled with balloons. A dog...

This engineering activity, suitable for children in computing lessons, looks at the basics of flowchart construction. Simple examples, such as the decisions made by a dog chasing a stick, are used to make flowchart representation of algorithms accessible to younger children. A simple design activity requires...

This mini-pack from the National Strategies contains materials focusing on developing students' understanding of proportionality. It includes an outline of three teaching phases and supporting resources, including supplementary notes, prompts for main activities and a problem bank. This Year Eight unit has been...

This comprehensive pack on handling data from the National strategies was designed to support the teaching in Year Eight. The mini pack contains a sample unit which has been developed through a flexible use of the sample medium-term plans for mathematics. The unit emphasises discussion and interpretation of data...

This set of materials, produced by the Key Stage Three National Strategy, was designed to support schools in organising revision and running booster classes prior to students taking the Key Stage Three National Curriculum tests.

The materials comprise:
1. Guidance on
*Planning for revision...

This unit on geometrical reasoning from the National Strategies aims to make a significant contribution to the development of teaching and learning of geometrical reasoning. It was planned for the end of Year Nine in order to provide an opportunity to draw together students’ existing geometrical knowledge within a...

This unit from the National Strategies is a sequel to the Year Eight multiplicative relationships unit. It provides an opportunity to revise, consolidate and extend ideas introduced in Year Eight and to make links to other mathematical strands, particularly shape and space. Making such links, especially with visual...
