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This CLIS report was intended to provide a longer term perspective on changes taking place in students’ understanding over the compulsory school years. The aim of the study was to inform teachers and curriculum designers about the ideas that students bring to and...

This guidance is aimed at businesses and other organisations looking to provide support and inspiration for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in schools.  It is based on consultation with teachers, further developed through debate between teachers, businesses and learned societies.  Teachers...

This collection of resources is from the evolving Government agencies that have maintained and developed the National Curriculum and associated assessments, tests and examinations, advising the Secretary of State for Education on these matters. 


The Qualifications and...

These reports and reviews carried out or commissioned by QCA, QCDA and Ofqual.

The Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) was set up by the Government to regulate all external qualifications in England. The National Assessment Agency took over the specific role of the delivery and administration of...

The questions in this framework can help governing bodies identify areas to celebrate or challenge in their schools, enabling them to work with their senior leaders to drive improvement. This framework aims to enable governors to perform at their best, exemplifying an approach which could benefit all curriculum...

This very successful citizen science project is run annually by the RSPB. It is an ideal opportunity for pupils of all ages to identify different bird species and count the numbers they see in the school grounds. Details about the competition and the RSPB supporting materials can be found...

This collection supports learning about the identification of birds, aspects of literacy, mathematics and design and technology. Created to support the Big Schools’ Birdwatch, the activities may also be used independent of the larger survey at other times of the year....

This collection supports learning about the identification of birds, aspects of literacy, mathematics and design and technology. Created to support the Big Schools’ Birdwatch, the activities may also be used independent of the larger survey at other...

The purpose of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Mapping Review, published by the Department for Education in 2004, was broadly to:

• investigate whether STEM initiatives currently being taken forward address the concerns raised about the decline in demand of university places in...

This School Science Review article looks at a selection of resources currently available for use in the teaching of astronomy in UK schools. It is by no means an exhaustive list but it highlights a variety of free resources that can be used in the classroom to help engage students of all ages with astronomy and...

These two reports were published by SCORE (Science Community Representing Education), in response to two commissioned reports - Under the Microscope: the...

Published in June 2013, this report from the  National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) sets out the findings from a review of Myscience’s (STEM Learning) partnership activity with school groups. The aim of the study was to identify any opportunities that exist, and the changes and challenges that are...

Commissioned by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, this Oxford University Centre for Educational Assessment review of teacher assessment in 2009 looked at teacher assessment in practice in a number of countries to see what works best and to consider the implications for Assessing Pupils’ Progress (APP...

From water and paper rockets to flying mice, create and launch your own rockets using these resources.  You can share your designs via #STEMClubsWeek22

Produced by Rolls-Royce, this toolkit of careers resources helps students to see the connection between STEM subjects studied in school, college or university and future job opportunities. The resources are designed to help students to understand: * The wide range of jobs and industries which require STEM skills....
