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Each book introduces a particular simple machine and then explores how it is used in different and increasingly complex gadgets and machines.

'What do Screws do?' explores the simple mechanism of screws and looks at the wide range of tools and toys that make use of them. Large, clear photographs show the principle in practice and careful artwork aids...

'What do Springs do?' explores the simple mechanism of springs and looks at the wide range of tools and toys that make use of them. Large clear photographs show the springs in practice and careful artwork aids...

'What do Wheels and Cranks do?' explores the simple mechanism of wheels and cranks and looks at the wide range of tools and toys that make use of them. Large, clear photographs show the principle in practice, aiding...

An engaging and very visual series that introduces young readers to the idea of the recycling process.

An engaging and visual series that introduces young readers to the idea of the recycling process, 'What Happens When We Recycle' explains the importance of reusing our resources.

This video provides a great overview to 3D printing, looking first at different ways of manufacture, before explaining the 3D printing process. The video is...

This resource supports students to understand the terms Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computer Numerical Control (CNC) manufacture. It provides an overview of manufacturing methods such as CNC vinyl cutting, CNC router, laser cutting.


This lesson introduces students to the concept of CAD modelling and details the difference between 2D and 3D images and CAD and CAM. It also provides a basic introduction to creating a simple 3D model using Fusion 360.

This resource, from Siemens, looks at how a sustainable city should meet the needs of the present without sacrificing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Urban sustainability is the idea that a city can be organised without excessive reliance on the surrounding countryside and be able to...

This book is addressed to students and practitioners of architecture and design. It sets forth the conditions under which designing is itself an open question, and under which design decisions and artefacts must show themselves to be socially answerable.

In this lesson students will gain an understanding of what a life cycle assessment is and how it can be used to assess the environmental impact of the manufacture and use of different materials and products. Students will understand the five main stages of a life cycle analysis through both a diagram and supporting...

These resources introduce what is meant by a program and programming commands. Activities include asking learners to create a set of instructions that will solve a problem, as well as building on understanding of programming commands and what they are used to do in a program. 


This activity is designed to introduce students to what is meant by a program. It asks students to create a set of instructions that will solve a problem...

The work that engineers do affects billions of people. It is creative and hands-on. It is about solving problems, designing things and improving things. As an engineer, you could tackle some of the world’s most pressing problems - from dealing with cyber security and maintaining clean water and energy supplies to...
