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This Nuffield Advanced Physics unit was concerned with the ideas of field and potential, developed for the electric and the gravitational fields. A main aim was to suggest that ideas about field and potential are rather general and so very useful. Their generality and...

From the Nuffield foundation this resource looks at packaging, its design and uses. Developed from the QCA scheme of work, children design and make packaging for a light bulb.

During the activity, children:
* Look at different types of light bulb packaging.
* Consider the need for packaging....

From the Nuffield foundation this report describes a project in which design and technology unit 3D:Photograph Frames was linked with the Art and Design unit 4B:Take a Seat.

It provides a detailed account of how the students developed a photo-frame and chair structures for a famous person, and shows...

This Nuffield Advanced Physics Unit covered topic of about waves and oscillations. In the form and order suggested, it was intended to suit students who have been through the work on waves in the  Nuffield O-level Physics course, or equivalent work in other courses....

This Nuffield Advanced Physics Unit provides some of the key ideas for one of the major theme of the course which is the attempt to explain large-scale things in terms of small-scale things. The Unit draws together ideas about electric charge and fields from Unit 3 into...

The authors of Nuffield Advanced Physics decided to include electronics in the course for two reasons.
1. It could be useful in the future. Students could expect to find themselves using electronic devices in many courses of further education, and in a very wide...

From the Nuffield foundation this resource looks at control systems, their design and uses.

Developed from the QCA scheme of work, children design and make a control system for an electric vehicle. In the activity, children are challenged to produce a vehicle, powered by an electric motor, that can go in...

This Nuffield Advanced Physics Unit was designed to be directly about engineering
problems and their solution. The authors pointed out that ‘reluctance’, like feedback in Unit 6, is a concept of more use to an engineer than to a physicist. The authors said that...

This Nuffield Advanced Physics Unit was about light as a wave motion. It represented the culmination of one line of thought in the course as a whole, for in it, earlier work on waves, on electric fields, and on magnetic fields came together in a (simplified) description...

This Nuffield Advanced Physics Unit was presented as a single volume for teachers and students. The aim was to make the ideas behind the Second Law of Thermodynamics intelligible to students at school. The approach was through the statistics of molecular chaos, because...

This MEP resource from CIMT is taken from text book 8B which covers the mathematics scheme of work for the second half of year 8.

Units of measure covers: estimating using metric units of length, mass and capacity; converting between metric units, estimating using imperial units of length, mass and capacity...

Rockets are used to launch satellites, probes and even astronauts into space. A rocket launch is extremely impressive. Thousands of kilograms are burned in just a few minutes in order to provide the force that the rocket needs in order to overcome the gravity of the Earth. Rockets provide an exciting context to...


This booklet outlines how assessment for learning can raise achievement in school. Evidence suggests that using good strategies for formative, (day to day) assessment could lead to significant improvements in the performance of pupils.

  • Read section 1 on Learning goals, self-assessment and peer...

This guidance booklet, from the National Strategies collection, was inspired by the documents Inside the black box (Black & Wiliam, 1998) and Assessment for Learning, beyond the black box (Assessment Reform Group, 1999) and outlines how assessment for learning can raise achievement in school....
