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These activities cover bivariate data which includes regression and correlation.

[b]Least squares regression[/b] spreadsheet is designed to help students get a feel for drawing a line of best fit through a set of points and to begin to understand the concept of regression. Students are given a set of six...

This resource from CensusAtSchool uses the ideas of estimating probabilities through finding the relative frequency of given data about favourite subjects at school. It uses sampling from different populations and investigates the effect of sample size on the estimated probability.

This resource from the IET Faraday programme, supported by MEI and Tomorrow's Engineers, asks students to read and interpret repeating wave pattern graphs.

"Engineers sometimes have to analyse data which shows a repeating pattern. Plotting a graph of the data is often helpful as it...

This lesson develops the concept of visualising two-dimensional cross-sections of representations of 3-dimensional objects.

The lesson begins by considering two cylindrical containers placed so that they make a right angle. Water flows from one cylinder to the other. Students consider the top view of the...

Produced by the Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS), these resources are aimed at mathematics practitioners. Sessions in this resource look at:

• Data collection and handling (using technology creatively and appropriately)

• Key features of charts graphs and diagrams (building on knowledge...

This engineering resource, produced by Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI) for the Royal Academy of Engineering, asks the question: how can production outcome data from a manufacturing process be analysed to optimise the process? Students consider the outputs of resistors to see the outcomes form a normal...

This activity from Cre8ate maths looks at the exciting mathematics connected with the regeneration going on in our cities. The three activities are based around the construction of rigid structures and provide opportunities for practical work and mathematical problem...

This RISP activity, The answer's 1: what's the question?, gives students graphs containing shaded areas enclosed by two functions. Examples of a straight line and a quadratic graph, a cubic graph and an exponential graph are used. Given that the enclosed area has a value of one, students are asked...

Two Repeats covers the revision of algebraic topics including changing the subject of a formula, graphical solution of equations, solving simultaneous and quadratic equations and manipulating surds.


Two RISP activities designed for students to explore or consolidate ideas about integration.

Introducing e requires students to use a graphing package to explore a variety of functions of the form y...

This space themed maths game provides an opportunity for children to practice working with number bonds to 10. It can be played either as a board game in pairs or used within an interactive whiteboard page.

To play the game the 10 number cards are shuffled and placed face-down near the board. Players take it...

From NASA, these activities look at the scientific, technological, engineering and mathematical foundations of rocketry to provide exciting classroom opportunities for authentic hands-on experimentation. Rockets have formed the basis of space exploration.

Extensive teachers' notes, guidance and lesson plans...

This detailed exemplar explores the rocket engine performance in the BLOODHOUND SSC engineering project. It requires student knowledge of physics, chemistry and mathematics when applied in mechanical engineering.


These materials use the land speed record attempt as a context for teaching about the irreversible changes and energy transfers that occur in BLOODHOUND SSC’s rocket engine.

The BLOODHOUND SuperSonic Car (SSC) World...
