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Produced by Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS), this investigation looks at the autolysis, or cell death, of yeast. This is important, as many food production processes require the living yeast to be killed.


The output from an automated DNA sequencing robot used by the Human Genome Project to determine the complete human DNA sequence. Each peak shows the presence of a particular base. The sequence of bases in a given stretch of DNA can therefore be read from the order of the peaks along the trace. The sequences of...

A collection of five videos dedicated to Automated Transfer Vehicles (ATV). ATVs are expendable, pressurised unmanned resupply spacecraft developed by the European Space Agency (ESA). They are designed to supply the International Space Station (ISS) with propellant, water, air, payloads, and experiments. They can...

Dr. Mark Woods explains how the rover technologies must be partly autonomous, since the signals from Earth to Mars take too long for every command to be send from Earth.  The technologies developed for space, also have applications on Earth.

This video is part of a series of ten which look at the one of the...

This matching activity from the Core Maths Support Programme covers the definitions of different measures of location and dispersion. 

The teachers' notes suggest that it may be used as a starter or for revision, as well as including more information and teaching suggestions for...

This Core Maths revision exercise gives the opportunity for students to practise calculating different measures of location and dispersion, and to interpret their results. 

The activity sheet contains discrete data and grouped data questions, including some where students are...

This Core Maths revision activity explores how to calculate and interpret different measures of location and dispersion.

It covers calculations with raw data, discrete frequency distributions and grouped frequency distributions. Students calculate averages, standard deviation...

This STEMNET resource describes the background and career of STEM Ambassador Lee Betts, an avionics technician with the RAF. Lee describes how new recruits undertake basic training, work in a front-line squadron and then undertake further specialists training.

Lee's role involves fixing the radar, flight...

This Catalyst article presents the work of three chemists - Martin Karplus, Michael Levitt and Arieh Warshel - who won the 2013 Nobel Prize for Chemistry. Their work allowed the development of complex computer models of compounds and reactions.

The article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2014,...

This introductory guide explains how to use the LINUX shell known as BASH (Bourne Again Shell). BASH is useful for linking together various programs for creating innovative solutions, and can unleash the power of a Raspberry Pi.

The guide covers running BASH, the syntax used, how to chain together commands,...

The BBC micro:bit is a great tool for carrying out surveys that involve quickly counting and recording one or two variables. Using the button inputs provides a simple interface to the device allowing, for instance, quick tallying of the numbers of two different types of bee around a plant. Other examples might...

Birmingham Institute for Forest Research (BIFoR) has provided a free online learning platform for schools which includes curriculum linked activities, developed to support secondary school students. These activities provide the opportunity for students to join a growing community of citizen scientists who are...

This film tells the story of how DNA sequencing was used to identify the gene BRAF. Clinical researcher Ultan McDermott tells the story of how scientists at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute discovered a specific mutation in the BRAF gene, which is found in around half of malignant melanoma cases. He...

This Core Maths task explores the Normal distribution through looking at the weights of new born babies.

Baby boom: Teacher guidance
This teacher guidance gives an overview of the task including prior student knowledge, suggested approaches and possible extensions.


This resource presents four Fermi problems, or back-of-the-envelope calculations, based on a video about an underwater volcano disaster.  Students are expected to develop experience of using quantitative reasoning techniques and gain an...
