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Volume two of two publications produced by the Spode Group with the aim of providing a useful set of examples that are convincing applications of mathematics and applications which can be taught in schools.


Three activities produced by Susan Wall are designed to provide the opportunity for students to explore the concepts involved and to highlight any misconceptions by discussing whether the statements presented can sometimes be true, are always true or can never be true.

Algebra: students are...

This is a variation on the standing waves investigation and follows a similar set up.  You investigate the connection between the tension, length and frequency of a stretched wire.

This series of activities from NASA are based on a weekly series of space science problems distributed to teachers in the US, from 2004 to 2010. They were intended for students looking for additional challenges in the mathematics and physical science curriculum, from ages 9 to 19 years.

The problems were...

This series of activities from NASA take a mathematical approach to looking at space weather. They are intended as supplementary problems for students looking for additional challenges in mathematics and physical science from age 11 to 19 years.

The problems were created to be authentic glimpses of modern...

These resources from NASA look at why telescopes are put into space. Students build simple spectroscopes and telescopes to learn the answer to this question. This educator guide is divided into units of study that include science demonstrations, lesson plans and student sheets so that students may learn about Earth...

The aim of this investigation is to measure the specific heat capacity of water, building on GCSE work.  The focus can be on sources of error and you can also look at finding the SHC of other liquids, or seeing if altering the mass affects the results.

This outreach programme aimed to build upon good practice from the Royal Society of Chemistry's (RSC) project Chemistry for our Future, and to develop new activities which could then be used with the RSC’s Spectroscopy in a Suitcase (SIAS) equipment. It explored appropriate contexts which may appeal to students...

The aim of this investigation is to measure the wavelengths in a spectrum of gas e.g. sodium or cadmium. It is expected that the students will calculate the wavelengths of a number of lines in the first order spectrum.

A different investigation to calculate the speed of sound in air using an air column in a tube.  Very easy to set up and take measurements, which is ideal for a class practical.

This Nuffield Working with Science unit was designed to give the student the opportunity to work scientifically and to acquire some of the positive attitudes associated with informed opinions and the use of objective argument based on evidence. It was also hoped that...

From the Integrating Mathematical Problem Solving project by Mathematics for Education and Industry (MEI), this activity for post-16 students shows how modelling helps decision making by allowing us to see what is likely to happen. The mathematical ideas covered are:
• Modelling cycle
• Binomial...

This CensusAtSchool resource is based on key concepts needed by students doing GCSE mathematics, although it may be useful for an introductory review at A level or for strong Key Stage Three students. Pairs are asked to discuss statements on cards and decide, with...

This toolkit from Plus magazine and Arctic Survey Education explores statistical aspects of the expedition, including the 'spin' that can be put on statistical evidence to make it sound positive or negative, and methods to predict future trends in Arctic climate change.

The whole toolkit can be downloaded...

The Nuffield Foundation provide this resource where students use simulated stature data for men and women in eight countries to draw histograms and look for general results, as manufacturers need to take these into account when they design products. This is mainly intended as an introduction to the normal...
