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Could there be life on Mars? Perhaps so, although the high intensity of UV light means that it is unlikely to be found on the surface. The experiment demonstrates how bacteria grown on agar plates can be killed off by UV exposure. Curriculum areas covered: • Microbiology • Cell biology • Aseptic technique The video...

A matching is a set of edges on a bipartite graph in which no two edges share a common vertex. A bipartite graph consists of two sets of vertices X and Y. The edges only join vertices in X to vertices in Y. A matching in a bipartite graph is the pairing of some or all of the vertices in X with some or all of the...

Mathcentre provide these resources which cover aspects of matrices, often used in the field of engineering. They include determinants, multiplying matrices, the inverse of a matrix and Cramer’s rule, which uses determinants to solve simultaneous equations.

Comprehensive notes, with clear descriptions, for...

This resource is an interactive excel program which provides dynamic drawings and graphs related to the classic maximum volume of a box problem. There are two versions of the problem, one starting with a square base and the other with a rectangular base.


One of a series of resources from Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS) investigating key topics in plant biology. A reliable way to demonstrate photosynthesis in the classroom. When the pond-weed Cabomba is placed in a solution of sodium hydrogen carbonate in the presence of light of appropriate intensity, it...

Medical Emergencies, from the Centre for Science Education, is a set of teaching materials which offer a cross-curricular approach to learning about engineering. Students design and make a hanging storage device that could, ideally, be folded up to make a rucksack or...

In this lesson, students will investigate some of the meteorites and associated rocks in the loan box. They will test them for magnetism, do a visual analysis and measure their mass to calculate the densities of their items. This activity is particularly geared towards getting students to estimate the volume of the...

This activity is an ideal opportunity to use the real-world context of logistics as an application of solving multi-step mathematical problems and evaluating the outcomes. It is one of three mathematical problem-solving activities with a...

This activity is an ideal opportunity to use the real-world context of logistics to demonstrate the practical use of greedy...

This activity is an ideal opportunity to use the real-world context of logistics to develop students' use of formal...

In this practical investigation, students will perform a combustion reaction using a mixture of alcohol and air in a plastic water...

The aim of a minimum spanning tree is to connect every vertex of the network using the edges having the least possible total weight. The task requires students to analyse information about a town centre and suggest which roads should be pedestrianized. [

Minimum spanning tree: presentation...

Produced by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, in this activity students have to use their observational skills to identify and record the difference (phenotypic change) between two images, one wild type zebra fish and one mutant zebra fish.

To aid in their diagnosis of the phenotypic change, a glossary...

This booklet is part of the ‘Innovations in Practical Work’ series published by the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme (SEP) and produced in partnership with the Walker Institute for Climate System Research. Climate scientists do not have a ‘climate in a test tube’ to try out their ideas, so to understand the...

This resources provides a template for creating a model of the DNA double helix.  The class should collaborate on one model. Each student should make just...
