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This comprehension activity, from Genetic Disorders UK, looks at the structure and function of the brain and central nervous system, and what can happen if the brain becomes damaged.

The information provided for...

This video, written and presented by Matt Parker and Timandra Harkness, considers the statistics of death. The only certainty is that everyone will die, but it is not known how or when this will happen. Based upon statistics, the odds of dying in particular ways are calculated and interpreted. The Normal...

This Catalyst article describes what it is like to work with laboratory animals, ensuring that they are treated ethically. The article focuses on the career of an animal technician making the point that a degree is not essential to pursue a career in science. There are many positions available each year for lab...

In this TEMI resource, a mathematical 'magic trick' is used to explore divisors, prime numbers and prime factorisation.

In the trick, the teacher invites students to type a random three digit number into their calculators. To make the task of predicting the divisors of this number even more difficult,...

In this Bowland assessment task, students are required to allocate dormitories at a Youth Hostel for a given number of boys, girls and adults given certain constraints. Suitable methods of displaying the information are to be designed, a systematic method employed in order to check that all the conditions have been...

Produced by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, in this activity students make their own edible DNA double helix model out of Jelly Babies and cocktail sticks. In doing so, they find out about the basics of DNA structure and complementary base pairs.

The activity links with the 14-16 curriculum but can also...

In this demonstration of a displacement reaction, a piece of foil in the shape of a Christmas tree is placed in lead nitrate solution. Within a few minutes the tree becomes covered with sparkling crystals of lead.

This Catalyst article looks at how Californians are being encouraged to prepare for the next big earthquake. It describes how earthquakes are produced by the relative movement of tectonic plates and how their intensity is measured using the Moment Magnitude scale. The article can be used to stimulate discussion on...

From the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, this resource contains an animation that takes a journey which zooms in from the surface of the body into a cell. It illustrates the relationship between the nucleus, chromosomes, genes and DNA.

Each stage is at higher magnification to show where the genome is found...

Produced by the Wellcome Trust, this animation helps to illustrate where and how the human genome is stored within our cells and bodies. It takes a journey which starts with the whole human body before looking into a liver cell and then the cell's nucleus. The animation shows the arrangements of chromosomes within...

Dr Laura Hobbs is a research scientist at the University of Strathclyde and the Scottish Association for Marine Science. She uses data from instruments, called echosounders, that use sound waves to monitor the depth and abundance of zooplankton in the Arctic Ocean. Studying copepods, her research has shown that...

The cre8ate maths project was a CPD initiative for Yorkshire and Humberside teachers of mathematics. It features resources applying maths to key areas of the economy focusing on functional mathematics skills for Key Stage Three students. The project was developed by the Centre for Science Education and the...

These materials are based around the idea of mathematical story-telling, something that the resources’ author describes as ‘The Three Acts of a Mathematical Story’.

Act One

This is where the story is introduced, using as few words as possible, and in a way that will...

e-Bug is a European-wide antibiotic and hygiene teaching resource for junior and senior school children. The project is lead by the UK Health Protection Agency (HPA) and involves a consortium of 18 partner EU countries.

The resources contain extensive teacher guidance, stimulus materials, animations and...
