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These resources explore science through cross-curricular and whole-school activities.

These resources explore science through cross-curricular and whole-school activities.

In this activity pupils are asked to research sources of evidence of climate change from instrumental observations from the 1800s and geological changes over 100,000 years. (This is known as the paleoclimate.) They are then asked to compete a series of questions based on their research.

This Nuffield Secondary Science picture pack was designed for use with Field of Study 2.3 in Theme 2. The pack contains 32 large, black and white line drawings and photographs.

Some of the images illustrate evidence for human evolution including:



A Year 11 module from the Salters’ Key Stage Four double award science course. The module begins by considering variation within humans and in other species and how this could arise. The gene theory of inheritance is then studied, and finally the structure and function...

Work done in this Nuffield 13 - 16 module followed from the S unit called ‘Variation and inheritance’. This X unit provided enough material for eight double periods. It could be selected to complete either a Science or a Further Science course. The teachers’ guide...

In this activity from ARKive students look for similarities between the basic body plan of different vertebrates as evidence of evolutionary change.

Please note that the website is no longer available, where links are listed for additional information within the Teachers' notes.The Teachers'...

In this activity from ARKive students observe images of different primates. The activity presents evidence for a common ancestor shared by different animal groups.

Please note that the website is no longer available, where links are listed for additional information within the Teachers' notes...

In this activity from ARKive students observe images and video material (with web access) of pale and dark forms of peppered moth. The activity uses the relative number of pale and dark forms in different environments as a model for evolution.


A Catalyst article looking at the evidence for evolution and which considers the ongoing conflict between scientists and creationists. The work of Charles Darwin is central to the article which summarises his theory of natural selection and also covers creation myths and creationists.

This article is from...

The Nuffield Secondary Science guide to examining at CSE was aimed at teachers and examiners. It began the quest, still continuing today, to find appropriate ways to examine science across the whole ability range.


A Catalyst article looking at the benefits of exercise and how it affects bone structure and hence physical fitness. Furthermore, obesity in Britain is on the rise and so the population is encouraged to do regular exercise, not only for cardiovascular and respiratory health, but also for general well-being. But...

Exercises and Practice contains nine resources. Each resource contains a number of activities for use in the classroom designed to provide students with practice of a variety of mathematical skills. The topics covered are arithmetic, coordinates, mensuration, rectangles and pyramids, circles, trigonometry and...

This resource consists of ten topics, each section containing a brief explanation, examples and exercises.

Sets begins with a definition of a set and continues with the elements of a set, set notation, subsets, intersection and union of sets, Venn diagrams, the laws of sets and concludes...
