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This website contains a range of human-centered design methods created by IDEO and shared through their online Design kit. The Design kit provides step by step...

This activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), introduces students to the ethical and moral issues of remote surgery.

It is intended that students will be able to:
• Understand what...


This is one of the 18 Background Books published for Stage II of the Nuffield Chemistry Sample Scheme. The books were highly illustrated and designed to be attractive. This book describes aspects of the history of chemistry by describing the life and work of Humphry Davy.

This book was published in 1966 but...

A Catalyst article about Hurricane Katrina which caused many deaths in August 2005, and vast damage along the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico in the USA. Hurricanes are an unfamiliar phenomenon here in the UK. Why is this? And can people expect to see more hurricanes in future as a result of climate change? The...

The Propagator project introduces students to hydraulic systems and their inner workings. Using a...

A Catalyst article about hydrogels. Soft contact lenses, disposable nappies, hair gel and plant water crystals all make use of substances called hydrogels. These are polymers which have the unusual property of being able to absorb huge quantities of water. The article looks at the structure of hydrogels and their...


As the need to find alternative cleaner forms of energy increases, scientists are looking to technologies, such as Hydrogen Fuel Cells (HFCs), as a power source for transportation.

This Catalyst article explains how hydrogen and oxygen gas can be used in a redox reaction to produce electricity, and the...

From The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC), these activities look at hydrogen, its preparation by electrolysis and its potential as a transportable fuel.

In the activities, students:

  • Study the properties of hydrogen in order to evaluate it and identify the technological problems...

This practical activity outlines how to grow plants hydroponically in the classroom. It aims to give students an understanding of the basic growth needs of plants. It also shows how hydroponics can be utilised to provide food to humans as our population expands.

This technique can be expanded in a number of...

This collection of Nuffield Maths resources explores Hypothesis testing. The demand is roughly equivalent to that in GCE A level. 


The activities in this workbook cover the ideas of statistical significance, type I and type II errors and the power of a test. The relationship between power and significance in the context of tests of means is considered and the final spreadsheet shows how to conduct a chi-squared test of association in a...
