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This collection of resources from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) uses the example of Howe Dell Primary School, which was designed with the principle of being a sustainable school, as a context for exploring a school's carbon footprint and the use of technology to reduce energy usage.


From LSIS, this case study describes work by Wirral Metropolitan College. A core focus of the LSIS STEM Programme is embedding and supporting whole organisation approaches to STEM provision across the learning and skills sector. Wirral Metropolitan College has demonstrated how a whole-organisation approach to STEM...

Produced for the Department for Education, this resource from Sheffield Hallam University, is designed to help employers, teachers, students and anyone involved in work experience develop strategies for creating good quality placements for young people aged 14–19.


Published termly, the HEaTED magazines bring together information, ideas and resources to support technicians in FE and HE institutions. The magazines also highlight resources and professional development opportunities.

Building a technicians' network is the leading article of the Autumn issue of the HEaTED magazine. Other articles outline the benefits of professional registration, describe the highlights of the 'Technicians make it happen' campaign and include an interview with the Aerospace Technical Project Manager in the...

This first issue of the HEaTED magazine looks into how to train as a technician and a number of different careers paths leading into the profession.  There is also an interview with a fine arts technician working in FE and HE education. The feature articles focus on the Athena SWAN Charter as a scheme to recognise...

This report of the Central Advisory Council for Education (England) resulted from research into the state of secondary education, focusing on students aged 13 to 16 who were of average or below-average ability. The report was known as the Newsom Report, named after Mr J H Newsom, chairman of the advisory council....

Produced by the Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS), these case studies describe work done by practitioners to harness technology in STEM teaching and learning.

The projects, drawn from organisations across the FE and skills sector, demonstrate a wide variety of both technology available and...

Produced by the Learning Skills Improvement Service (LSIS), this document describes the background and key learning points from the Harnessing Technology project. This resulted in a series of case studies that illustrate the use of technology to advance teaching and learning in the Post-16 sector. This document...

Head STEAM, produced by TV and online production company 360Production, is an educational channel that aims to inspire students to become a future leader of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) industries. The short videos explore a variety of STEAM topics such as sound waves and frequencies, 3D...

This resource from London Curriculum  explores how statistical techniques are being applied to help solve the problem of air pollution in London. The resource consists of five lessons, covering Venn diagrams, graphs, correlation, representing data and careers:

Lesson 1: Using statistics to understand why air...

This resource uses the context of football to introduce a heart rate investigation. Students take part in suggested exercises and measure their heart rate and recovery time.  They need to plot of graph of their heart rate for different activities, and are encouraged to decide the axis and scale of the graph for...


In these activities, produced by the European Space Agency, students work in groups to create timelines: first, one of their own lives and then one of the main events in the history of the Universe. The activity guides students to calculate the events in the history of the Universe to a scale of one year. Students...
