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Activities are posts made by educators to share a volunteering opportunity and request support. Here you will find examples of good activity postings for secondary and FE settings to be used as inspiration for your own posts.

The Teaching Primary Science book Aerial models concerns activities which are likely to arouse interest, excitement, enterprise and competition. The book recognises that whilst these actions can be used as stimuli leading to scientific work, measurement and the...

Steve analyses the flow of air over racing cars. He studied aero-mechanical engineering at university and following a two week summer placement, at Lola cars, he was offered a position in the company.


The Gravity Jet Suit uses purely thrust from the jet engines to create lift.  This resource explains the aerodynamics of flight, including thrust, life, drag and weight for aircraft.

This maths activity gives pupils the opportunity to learn about aerodynamics and apply this knowledge to designing and making a paper plane. Pupils will apply their maths skills of data collection and measurement to record the test flights and reflect on the most successful plane. Opportunities for extension are...

This activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), challenges students to put images of cars and aeroplanes in chronological order, to explain how they made their decision and describe how the products relate directly to developments in science and...

In this activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), students explore the basic principles of aerodynamics by looking at familiar products that have been designed with speed in mind and identifying features common to these products....

This Catalyst article investigates the nature of aerogels, which are among the least dense solid materials, not much denser than air. Aerogels were made as the result of a bet and ended up going into space to capture comet dust. They are the lightest solids which exist and have some unusual features.


A Catalyst article about using the ISIS accelerator to study the structures of materials. ISIS is one of the UK's world leading research centres and this article explains how the centre uses neutrons to study materials at an atomic level. Acting as a super microscope the ISIS accelerator can be used for physics,...

This challenge provides a STEM activity day in which teams of children work together to design an aeroplane and then construct a transporter to move it to the next stage of...

The engineers behind the Watt Nightclub in Rotterdam turn the energy created by clubbers on the dance-floor into power for the lighting. There is even a giant battery to monitor the energy and encourage the crowd to dance even more.


These activities, from the European Space Agency, use the example of Hurricane Matthew to explore the applications of Earth observation data in tracking hurricanes and assessing their aftermath. Students learn how a hurricane develops and the impact that extreme weather can have on society. They do this by...

This resource from the Citizen Science project is designed to support Key Stage Three students in debating the social, political and health issues surrounding alcohol consumption.The social and biological effects of alcohol form an important topic for young people to discuss. The marketing of alcohol, underage...

Interactive resources from the ABPI for students aged 14-16. Topics include: Diabetes, Hormones and Their Effects and Skin Structure and Function.

From the ABPI these are interactive resources for students aged 16-19. Topics include: Diabetes, Hormones and Their Effects, and Skin Structure and Function.
